The First Beautiful Thing Comments

  • Dina 2023-01-23 13:27:27

    Five stars for this theme. If one’s few blooms in one’s life have to go up the stairs, then the person closest to him must be the last one. I would be unreservedly proud of their unquestionable beauty, excellence, kindness and even...

  • Dillon 2023-01-15 14:45:52

    Accidentally thought of "Three...

  • Rodrigo 2023-01-06 19:34:03

    In fact, looking at it from the front, I felt quite boring, but I couldn't help it. I once again lost my...

  • Lewis 2023-01-05 07:10:46

    7.0 How to build family bonds under childhood trauma? There are always those optimistic parents who give us the experience of facing life. I am very surprised that Italian and even European actresses can still face the breakthrough of self-performance after middle...

  • Dewitt 2023-01-04 01:43:11

    The heroine is beautiful, but the plot is like a woman's chattering and pretending to be optimistic and strong to cause discomfort to the people around...

  • Micheal 2022-12-31 01:59:04

    As always, the Italian style is strong, and the elements are inevitably mixed. The story should come from a certain truth or a few truths, but it is also sincere. At the end of the film, the melody of "The Most Beautiful Thing" sounded again, and there were tears in my eyes. The criteria for evaluating a movie can also be as simple as, "Are you...

  • Alia 2022-12-29 09:12:04

    The most beautiful thing in the world is an optimistic attitude to life, always grasping the happiness in life. Italian is so dramatic, no wonder most operas are sung in...

  • Buster 2022-12-18 13:24:29

    It's not easy being a single...

  • Dariana 2022-12-13 05:09:43

    Mark, August 26, 2021, CCTV. The heroine's character is a little bit of the beautiful legend of...

  • Chadrick 2022-12-12 11:24:07

    Although the interspersed flashbacks are a bit confusing, the story is really good, and I really like this mother's attitude towards life~ Although I can understand why my son is like this when I flashback, but Italian life is really...