The Fencer Comments

  • Wade 2023-03-08 01:26:38

    The plot point control of this biographical film is concise and clear, and sometimes it looks a little rushed, but the whole is small and flexible, and the connotation is a little appropriate. It is like a miniature version of a personal epic, and it is a very complete sample of the genre. The rhythm of the story of "The Fencer" is very tight, and its shooting techniques are also very charming, especially those behind-the-scenes back shots, which give people an indescribable sense of historical...

  • Aida 2023-03-04 23:11:51

    The little girls in Estonia are really...

  • Ernestina 2023-03-02 05:02:15

    It can be said that the film is bland and nothing special, and it still belongs to the category of traditional film narrative. But as a small country that has already enjoyed freedom and democracy, autocratic dictatorship has gone away. In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, it is also a responsibility and memory to preserve the unbearable memory of the past. History often repeats itself in some form. Only by deeply analyzing this pain from the ideological level, so that future...

  • Natalia 2023-02-25 03:51:24

    The architecture has not moved, but the picture is still very impressive, and my personal preference is at least one...

  • Edwin 2023-02-12 00:12:48

    Calm and dull, I thought that the big background would permeate a big story, but it turned out to be just the background until the end. The story is smooth and beautiful, let me add another star, no...

  • Sam 2023-02-11 18:18:25

    Athletes can't fight Big Brother, just like flowers can't fight bullets. Still a very bright ending. A solid...

  • Ludwig 2023-02-10 21:58:06

    Although there are obvious traces of Hollywood routines, and the love scenes are slightly redundant, there are still a few slow motions and soundtracks that are very European movie flavors. What touched me the most was the relentless pursuit of beauty in an authoritarian environment, bringing a bright dawn to the depressed children, and thanking God for a happy...

  • Larue 2023-02-06 10:59:49

    You can watch it with "1944"....

  • Jennifer 2023-02-03 16:22:53

    The truth is often better than the story. In order for the children to stand on the championship podium, he would rather give up freedom and the people who love each other deeply, that depressing and dark history. Fortunately, the death of the great ducai achieved a good ending. The movie lenses are pretty clean. I don't understand the rules of foil, otherwise I can't believe the little girl can...

  • Hazle 2023-02-02 19:08:24

    Although there is a sense of Soviet poetic imagery and narrative, it is still drowsy because of its dullness. For the same type of theme or slightly...

The Fencer

Director: Klaus Härö

Language: Estonian,Russian,Armenian Release date: July 21, 2017