The Fencer Comments

  • Emery 2023-08-12 13:44:42

    It seems that Estonians are as reserved and reserved as Finns, and the brutal national history has given their genetic etchings the sense of distance necessary for entry into fencing. The narrative of this film also maintains the distance between the two sharp swords, which is why the heroine's high-speed and long lines in the reeds by the sea are set off like a slippery step with no way out. Flying Thorn; children can't lose their fathers again! Even so, the second half of the sentence was...

  • Eveline 2023-08-01 21:56:46

    Helpless eyes for an...

  • Tamara 2023-07-18 13:30:12

    【YVR-Vancity】Three and a half. The little girl is fine. I don’t know if the seats are a bit biased, but the lighting and mirroring are somewhat cheap in TV and movies. The relationship between characters and the direction of the story are also deliberate, but it is full of the “sense of fate” that Soviet Russia and Russia were tragically urged during the Stalin period. How ordinary people/children tempered their minds during that period. Small European countries always have this kind of theme...

  • Leanna 2023-07-17 17:11:32

    It seems plain, but it feels warm after reading it. From a political standpoint, it seems that everything about personal interests or temperature is...

  • Iliana 2023-06-25 05:05:40

    2.5 Political purge background, sports-themed biography, "The Mountain Doll and the Escaped Teacher Win the Championship in Leningrad". But everything is really mediocre and mediocre. A group of children supporting roles, there is no primary and secondary, leaving only a good value. As a result, Stalin died just a few months after being taken away by the secret police, and then came...

  • Helga 2023-06-13 05:30:56

    There is no problem with the little girl's last sword scoring in the attack, and the foil allows cross steps. But, is the saber still interesting and handsome? This male protagonist is too ugly (look at the men's saber at the Olympic Games, woo...

  • Joannie 2023-06-06 16:01:10

    A must-have movie for learning fencing, sports should not be swayed by...

  • Vincent 2023-05-28 08:44:22

    Mist-filled scenery, soothing music, and a seemingly "bland" plot interweave into a captivating political and sports...

  • Beaulah 2023-05-21 19:11:57

    The story develops slowly in an atmosphere of unease and chill, but fortunately it has a happy...

  • Robb 2023-05-14 20:00:16

    Movies about fencing feel...

The Fencer

Director: Klaus Härö

Language: Estonian,Russian,Armenian Release date: July 21, 2017