The Earrings of Madame De... Comments

  • Alexandro 2022-03-15 09:01:07

    Matter appears as a concrete representation of emotions, and diamond earrings tell the rise and fall of love between changing hands and giving away. However, the commodity attribute of earrings determines that the woman who accepts the gift must be a materialized object with no autonomy, so she can never really control the leaving and leaving of earrings/love. And the most beautiful mirror in the whole film is the moment when women's eroticism is truly liberated. It is the love letters that...

  • Kaleb 2022-03-15 09:01:07

    On the basis of ensuring the amount of information on the screen, the dissolving and gorgeous scheduling of the Opheles retrospective can complete the high-intensity narrative in a compact and unhurried manner. What the film focuses on is actually the material-emotional-national interest isomorphism of the French bourgeois upper class before the war (the earrings redeemed in Constantinople), and the hidden value split under this isomorphism. The appearance of the Confederate League of France is...

  • Johnson 2022-03-14 14:12:27

    Earrings are the projection of desire and the beginning of lies. At first, as a wedding gift presented by the general to his wife, the lady eagerly prayed and arranged a lie to resell the earrings. The general learned that the lady lied and sold the earrings. The earrings are given to the mistress as a favor, which indicates that the two couples have long been in harmony. It is not known whether it is because the general's cheating or the wife married for profit. The love of the diplomat has...

  • Johann 2022-01-20 08:01:32

    Max Opheles is really an elegant director, classical and exquisite films, smooth shots, and delicate emotions. I thought it was a satirical comedy, but after reading it, I found it was still a romantic love story. He took his favorite dance again, still so...

  • Derek 2022-01-20 08:01:32

    Classical and exquisite films, smooth shots, and delicate feelings are just boring Part1: t6ea8ff350 Part2: t63a82abcd Chinese characters:...

  • Davonte 2022-01-20 08:01:32

    The drifting trajectory of a pair of earrings is depicted with extremely smooth camera scheduling, that is, an unpredictable circle of fate. How much sincerity is included in each gift, and the rest is false intent, and every resale is completely indifferent; the pearl is pure and thorough, but it is full of dirty lies, and the play passes it once. Changed hands again, with a structure that repeatedly reappears in the same scene but reflects completely opposite psychological conditions, or...

  • Bartholome 2022-01-20 08:01:32

    Like the white rose in "A Letter from a Strange Woman", the earrings finally returned to their side again, but they did not indicate overlap, but the breakdown of the relationship. The duel of men is not so much for the beloved, as for dignity and status. Women, like earrings, are nothing but a product of materialization. Perhaps this is the most tragic...

  • Daphney 2022-01-20 08:01:32

    [Exhibition at China Film Archive] The exquisite long-lens photography made the audience very enjoyable. It's exquisite, and the scheduling is breathtaking. The story is not only ironic but also romantic. Although it was too coincidental, I didn't feel it was a play. The second male number is Vittorio de Sica, the director of "The Bike Thief", who is so handsome and handsome. The hostess is very beautiful and is still alive at the age of 99. It’s just a pity at the end, but it’s a...

  • Milton 2022-01-20 08:01:32

    That old handsome guy is indeed Desica! I love my husband very much, everywhere but insignificant, just like the ellipsis in the title. The wife showed her "face" in the mirror for the first time. Before, she could only hear her voice-over and from the circular motion lens, she could see her hand passing over objects (including the Bible)—her identity can only be a mirror. Zhonghua, and destiny is destined to be surrounded by objects...

Extended Reading

The Earrings of Madame De... quotes

  • Comtesse Louise de...: I must warn you. They say I'm a terrible flirt.

    Baron Fabrizio Donati: I don't believe it.

    Comtesse Louise de...: I'm not aware of it, so there is nothing I can do.

  • Baron Fabrizio Donati: Four days without seeing you. Does no one in Paris dance anymore?