The Earrings of Madame De... Comments

  • Jade 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    The owner sold it 4 times (the clerk took things back and forth 4 times), the earl bought it 4 times, the lady received it 4 times, and I forgot whether the round dance turned 4 times. director. Earrings have witnessed all the changes of time and emotions, the best evidence of the "crystal" in Deleuze's eyes, the highest density (coincidence)...

  • Yasmeen 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    Such a delicate film, which combines the humor of satire and comedy with the romance of love sketches. The long shot is as elegant and light as the pas de deux in which the two embrace and spin. As the most crucial clue of the movie, the diamond earrings changed hands and repeated loops, connecting all the characters together, and accompanied by the emotional transformation of the lady, and the final breakdown of the couple's emotional life. The emotional struggle of women in a patriarchal...

  • Jermain 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    Tsk, this script can be touched a lot, it's interesting. Although some scenes are still too long-winded (there is a suspicion of dazzling skills), I thought that the general might be a more transparent one, but I didn't expect the ending to go to the cliché. I want to order an "Actor" for the general's...

  • Guido 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    The "Crafts" of an earring reflects the falsehood and suspicion of capitalism. #French, subtitled disaster. Blank subtitles, multiple delays and...

  • Chris 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    The life of the countess and couples respecting each other is just a false affection in the upper class. The count loves and tolerates the countess, but at the same time has a lover who is deeply in love, and the countess is "lovely", does not take everything seriously, and gets married. Gifts can also be sold, until you fall in love with the Baron, but only because of those little lies she weaves it becomes a tragedy that cannot be loved. Like earrings traded several times, fate, especially a...

  • Maureen 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    #MaxOrphels works retrospective three consecutively, one is more exciting than the last, as expected, from the film, you can see the increasingly superb shooting process of Master Orphels, no matter from the picture effect, music Both the processing and the plot structure are very complete. After all, this time I finished reading it with relish, and have a deeper understanding of the "reincarnation" of Orpheus. The four times of the earrings' circling process is the same as the waltz dance. The...

  • Hermina 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    Absolutely the most noble and elegant long shot movement, the front and rear narratives are as delicate as earring ring counterparts, and the jewels that have changed hands several times bear witness to the flow of all emotions. The dazzling waltz was scattered into the snow-filled letter paper, and the countess, whose name was always erased, was only lost because of betting on the...

  • Dylan 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    The most beautiful love movie, the classic long shot of Orpheus is the next best thing. The lines after the Countess fell in love are really perfect. The diplomat is actually a bicycle thief directed by Desica, so...

  • Westley 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    The characteristics of mobile photography are very obvious. The characters are always walking, and the lens is always moving and extremely smooth and smooth. The earrings are the physical embodiment of "love", which has been pawned four times and redeemed four times, which coincides with the turning point and change of love. The owner of the jewelry store may be the biggest winner, earning four wins. The ending is an open-ended treatment, and the contradictions have accumulated to such a degree...

  • Dewitt 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    How much does she love that man? That pair of earrings that she didn't like before participated in her red apricot going out of the wall, becoming extremely precious, without the earrings, it is as terrible to lose the lover and the woman’s cheating is terrible. Wrong, come over here, Mother, let’s feed Dalang and drink...

Extended Reading

The Earrings of Madame De... quotes

  • Comtesse Louise de...: I must warn you. They say I'm a terrible flirt.

    Baron Fabrizio Donati: I don't believe it.

    Comtesse Louise de...: I'm not aware of it, so there is nothing I can do.

  • Baron Fabrizio Donati: Four days without seeing you. Does no one in Paris dance anymore?