The Earrings of Madame De... Comments

  • Elias 2022-10-07 12:15:12

    Max Ophuls, Desica, 1953, France. Originally thought to be a Maupassant sketch, like earrings and necklaces, it is actually a story about love and possession in the upper class. The earrings have been deceived, cheating, vanity, flattery, and selfishness. Even if they are dedicated to the Lord, they have become a tragedy. The colorful dancing in the waltz is a scene that Max makes good use of. love and...

  • Guadalupe 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    Delicate picture quality, smooth transitions, appropriate...

  • Gia 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    Damn Desica is the highlight, isn't it? ! ! The sense of space created by the smooth long shots and the gorgeous sets is commendable. The shots often start with unimportant people and end with unimportant scenes. The attitude of the shots and the characters is indifferent. This is the creation that does not take the audience for a fool Ah well, one of the scenes is the subjective shot of the second floor of the jeweler. I like to think of "A Letter from a Strange...

  • Ephraim 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    I really love the seamless sequences of the balls, and the long shot in the opening sequence. It's interesting that people make such a huge difference to objects (earrings) because of their emotional closeness. It's a pity that the ending...was handled a little...

  • Jayda 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    Wow, Desica's acting skills are really good. She has reached the level of stealing dramas, and her brows are full of aristocratic temperament. Orpheus is invincible in the long-shot mise-en-scene, no less than Mizoguchi Kenji, which belongs to the strength that every shot can be pulled and analyzed. The whole film puts great emphasis on body, movement, process and repetition: looking, running, looking, dancing... The director also disdains to explain any intentions of the characters. In the...

  • Iva 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    Looking at the introduction to the strange love that bought earrings four times, I thought it was a suspenseful feature film with strong drama and conflict, but it turned out to be a love tragedy, but it was mixed with elements of coincidence and humor. The middle-aged man's old house is on fire, and he falls in love with the unreliable and profligate general's wife, and Hua Gu also gradually falls in love until he is deeply in love. During the period, I bought and sold earrings several times,...

  • Ethel 2022-04-22 07:01:48 Four and a half stars, there are too few close-ups of the Countess in the first half, she is eager to carry out the story, and the characters are hidden, causing the character to be ambiguous. Perfect second half. The flaws do not hide the...

  • Mikel 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    Rewatch, from the long takes to the round dance, Orpheus did exactly the vertigo of the loop, so the dance had to be where it all...

  • Katrine 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    At the beginning of the chapter, I made it clear: if it wasn't for these pair of earrings, nothing would happen... I have never seen Orpheus's films, and I didn't expect to have such an experience and feeling about shooting high society. The love between a diplomat and a certain lady was initially expressed through dances. It was not profound but felt beautiful. Later, in order to avoid rumors that the two separated and suffered from lovesickness, the Countess paid for the earrings. This love...

  • Lacey 2022-04-21 09:03:09

    Love comes and goes in a hurry, but it is absolutely irrational for a woman to be trapped in it, right~ Fate's best arrangement, many reversals at the end of the film, but this pair of earrings has become magical~ The material value of the earrings is finally transformed For emotional value, in fact, this is just an object, and only people can give it emotion. As a classic old film, every shot is super beautiful, what a good...

Extended Reading

The Earrings of Madame De... quotes

  • Comtesse Louise de...: I must warn you. They say I'm a terrible flirt.

    Baron Fabrizio Donati: I don't believe it.

    Comtesse Louise de...: I'm not aware of it, so there is nothing I can do.

  • Baron Fabrizio Donati: Four days without seeing you. Does no one in Paris dance anymore?