The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie Comments

  • Ara 2023-03-20 00:45:10

    OMG! my birthday is bloody sergeant day! Bunuel is so cute, it's so hard to have a meal...

  • Bette 2023-03-07 17:28:06

    The structure is so captivating. Inspiring to revise something a few years ago. Bourgeois' values ​​are broken again and again. The breath of death that pervades the inserts. Kinky doesn't mean much in that set. Should be looking for something of our time Bunuel is sexy and fun. Want to be like...

  • Tanya 2023-02-26 18:03:34

    Actually inception of the dream space, advanced advanced prohibition of nesting...

  • Rahsaan 2023-02-25 09:23:25

    "I want to express some people who try their best to do something, but can't achieve it." - Buñuel. A group of people walking on the road, from the beginning of relaxed and happy interest to restless and directionless, this is a nightmare, and it is still a nightmare after waking up. (Straight irony and dream metaphor, it's a brilliant modern...

  • Houston 2023-02-19 06:05:30

    The gorgeous art is beautiful, how can I understand this? A girl took me to attend Cui Weiping's class more than ten years ago. I forgot what I said, and I probably didn't understand it. Then the teacher left, leaving the classmates to watch one. Half an hour movie. I'm sure I didn't watch the movie either, because I only remember the first scene at the beginning was a special "drama". Now I also feel like the camera movement and horizontal scheduling like a shaking head fan. I wonder what...

  • Eula 2023-02-15 15:10:45

    The naughty tricks of Buñuel are beyond your imagination time and time...

  • Michelle 2023-01-31 19:43:34

    The priest who wanted to be a gardener killed the old gardener who killed his parents in deathbed confession; only frequent awakenings, no clear opportunity to fall into a dream, no idea when the dream started; food is never eaten, and people are always in the country Walking along the path, strange dreams and memories are suddenly inserted into the plot to be told. The absurd is in a loop, the metaphors are dazzling, and finally give up solving the puzzle and immerse in the paradoxical...

  • Lilla 2023-01-26 12:46:56

    Everyone is trapped in themselves, and it's an endless...

  • Juliana 2023-01-22 22:04:54

    "No system can improve the quality of the masses." "Famine and poverty can only be solved by taking military countermeasures." The little aphorisms here are more delicious than the beauty of the day. The clothes are chaotic and beautiful, and a small piece of the back is exposed to look good. Class oppression is bound to be in every way ("You wait, I'll be back with the turnip"), no one wants to give up on themselves, just like no one likes poverty (but there are). This surreal taste is very...

  • Brice 2023-01-18 18:31:46

    It's been 1972, and Americans have already filmed "The Godfather," but Buñuel's movies are still full of rough set boards and student club-level amateur performances. It is true that such works are very individual in terms of film language, but compared to the more refined "mainstream" films on the other side of the ocean, I don't think they are inherently brighter and more artistic. In addition, I am mad at mentioning the mao complex of the European left-wing literati in that...

Extended Reading

The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie quotes

  • Colonel: I didn't know that chivalry still existed in your semi-savage country.

    Rafael Acosta: Sir, you just insulted the Republic of Miranda!

    Colonel: I don't give a damn about the Republic of Miranda!

    Rafael Acosta: And I shit on your entire army!

  • Peasant: Father? I want to tell you something.

    Bishop Dufour: Then tell me, my child.

    Peasant: I really don't like Jesus Christ. Even as a little girl I hated him.

    Bishop Dufour: Such a good, gentle God? How is it possible?

    Peasant: Want to know why?

    Bishop Dufour: Let me tend to this sick man first, then we'll talk.