The Death of Superman Comments

  • Jaden 2023-09-29 07:25:19

    This DC animation feels much better than the movie Justice League. The plot is easy and direct. Like the super bat plot, it is the death of Superman, but there are many characters and the fighting scenes are also very enjoyable. The love scene between Superman and his girlfriend is also...

  • Bradford 2023-09-24 15:44:20

    BVS + Justice League. The master is still the same weak chicken....

  • Syble 2023-09-19 13:42:09

    Originally wanted to give 4 stars, but if Superman died, let him rest in peace. In the end, the screenwriter forcibly resurrected Superman to comfort the audience? The theme that was sublimating in the tragic mood was suddenly defeated. Also, resurrection is resurrection, what does it mean to leave Louise...

  • Percy 2023-09-14 20:36:29

    Is Doomsday really so hard to fight? Luthor, who was added to the rescue by the Justice League, will accompany a super player to take away. Finally fell in love with Louise once, and always thought she was in the way...but she is still the sexiest...

  • Weston 2023-09-04 04:39:57

    ①The old man is inhumane, super magical glasses, small flash gags, Neptune is still soy sauce, uncle 囧 is just a little bit, and Luthor is on the top of the second... These familiar stalks please use them in the next century! ②To celebrate Dachao’s 80th birthday, why not teach "Justice League" how to shoot "Death of Superman" (let him die again)! ③DC's new title is so cool! Every frame I want to take a screenshot as a...

  • Deanna 2023-09-03 06:35:39

    The title is cool...

  • Alexie 2023-09-01 03:30:05

    DC animation is so much better than live-action movies...a dozen in this film is an hour. If Warner executives had the brains to make these animations, there would be no such nonsense as "Justice League". At the very least, the live-action movie universe won't be left that far by...

  • Grady 2023-08-17 23:21:27

    If it were a live-action version, this would be a...

  • Blaze 2023-08-15 22:57:35

    Make up the mark from a few days ago. When I saw that my Kon was coming back, I couldn't control my emotions, so I quickly found this animated movie that I haven't seen yet to celebrate. This time it's the N52 uniform mashup of the Justice League lineup, well, I kind of miss Hal. Love line, my God, I don't eat the big triangle of Clark Louise Diana at all, so it's still a bit embarrassing. It turns out that the animation universe has also changed the...

  • Toni 2023-08-14 10:54:35

    Steel Frame: "The topic to be discussed next is the budget for next year. The UN grants us only this amount, guys." Batman: "I have contracted. Next regulation, Steel Frame." Wonder Woman: "Wonder Woman's sales this year is very good. I can make up the money that the Wayne Foundation can't make up." (Wonder Woman's inner story: You can't always let you show off your...

Extended Reading

The Death of Superman quotes

  • Superman: Lift back to The Planet?

    Lois Lane: And save me from expensive cab fare to Perry White. You are heroic.

    Superman: You know me, always saving the day.

  • Lex Luthor: Amazing. A creature who's traveled light years through space and survived a catastrophic entry to Earth. The Blue Bog Scout could have some competition.