The Bridge Comments

  • Suzanne 2023-09-09 14:50:50

    Change clothes in public in the office before it's too late, make appointments if you have desires, don't have too much moral restraint and don't care about other people's opinions and feelings, and even reduce your feelings to zero. But only by being as simple as saga, can we open up the fog-like clues without distraction. I was shocked by the gloom of Northern Europe, but this is the best suspense drama to watch in the near...

  • Salvador 2023-09-04 13:37:05

    On the importance of...

  • Giuseppe 2023-07-22 10:49:37

    Interesting heroine character setting, seemingly inexperienced and emotionally forbearing, and finally revealed [colleague love] quite poignant. A series of plots driven by criminals' revenge on the society, and finally ended with a personal hatred with the male...

  • Alycia 2023-07-11 10:27:21

    Friend's wife can't...

  • Elody 2023-07-08 07:52:59

    The combination of Han Xiong and Dumei is very...

  • Mike 2023-06-24 10:50:37

    It's far more nutritious and advanced than "Pagan Peak". Although the filming is a bit crude, there are no familiar actors and scenery, the rhythm is not tepid, and the heroine feels like a treated autistic...

  • Priscilla 2023-06-24 03:36:35

    According to the teacher's introduction, I can only say that the setting is quite attractive, but the later progress is...

  • Julie 2023-06-24 00:48:07

    The protagonist configuration of the straight girl + big pig's hoof, the interaction between the two is the most interesting. The case is anticlimactic, and the motive cannot support the layout (it must be understood as hiding the real motive). The many and broken branch lines weakened the main line, and the police did nothing in the early stage and were played as monkeys. I thought the villain was the Gotham Joker, but it turned into a large-scale dog-blood derailment and mutual green revenge...

  • Faustino 2023-06-12 17:33:58

    At first, I felt that there were seven deadly sins, but later I converged on family drama and became discouraged. The heroine is the only one, which can be added. The clouds in northern Europe are thick and always a pale scene, I hope to see...

  • Tara 2023-06-11 18:15:43

    After watching two episodes, I gave up the show. Reason: I am very disgusted with the whole tone, the tone is dark, the heroine is described as dry, and no matter how good the plot is, how can I suffer with this female grimace? In the other line, the actress pretending to be tender and biting her fingers also looks like a ghost. At the beginning of the second episode, there is a female hooligan who only wears a cotton jacket without buttons and smashes, smashes and robs, plus the heroine who...

The Bridge


Language: Swedish,Danish Release date: September 21, 2011