The Bothersome Man Comments

  • Green 2023-09-21 04:10:48

    An icy fable, live to be...

  • Maria 2023-09-02 14:55:05

    As a movie, it still presents a very good finished product...but the plot of the part that wants to arouse the so-called empathy is really self-centered and outrageous...the environment and other people are shown as a foil without telling the cause. , it can be regarded as a kind of rogue-style posing effect =....

  • Georgiana 2023-08-04 13:00:28

    more than what it talks...

  • Benjamin 2023-07-07 02:20:13

    A perfect picture of a high-welfare European society. It seems that the director also feels that such a society has no soul. I thought Europeans didn't feel that...

  • Tatyana 2023-07-02 14:17:46

    your heaven is my...

  • Merritt 2023-06-25 09:46:41

    After he committed suicide, he was taken into an IKEA frigid world by bus. Food, work and emotions are easy to get but tasteless, full of low-saturation cool tones and minimalist shapes, people don't die from pain, and they don't get drunk. There are no children. People are friendly but don't really care; avoid talking about the status quo. He cheated passionately, but the old man was not jealous of the new man, and he left feeling tasteless and sad. Occasionally peeking into the corner of the...

  • Damian 2023-06-20 00:16:02

    In dystopia, the worldview is closer to Brave New World, and the society after the death of a suicide is just similar to the recently read A Brief History of the Dead. People live and work in peace and contentment, follow the rules within the system, and wear almost the same gray-blue color. But the hedonic experience of life, including lust, cannot stimulate them to obtain pleasure, the walking dead. The joy of new life symbolized by babies and the artistic creation represented by music are...

  • Jeanne 2023-06-02 23:49:57

    Surrealism to express some of the things that have been abandoned in society in pursuit of harmony....

  • Ofelia 2023-05-19 01:00:12

    3.5 The first part of the new year, I wanted to watch it yesterday. I quite like the story, but the filming is flat, showing only the numb, ruthless and meaningless side, but not seeing the bitterness in the heart, and it is still too Nordic and fresh. The comments are all saying that this is hell and heaven, and it is impossible to empathize with a high-welfare society. The point of suicide, however, is that life of any kind is not worth living, and that it is not social problems that need to...

  • Marilie 2023-05-06 02:01:08

    If you don't want to stay in perfect hell, then go to the ice and snow. In fact, I always thought that the bus could drive back to the real...