The Blue Dahlia Comments

  • Kadin 2022-12-30 02:34:26

    The murderer is...

  • Alexander 2022-12-15 09:36:15

    2013/10/11 Five people arguing in a room and the suspense reached its peak, but they did not give anyone a satisfactory answer. Guessing and guessing is actually an inconspicuous supporting actor who recognized the murderer, a bit deliberately playing tricks, and then was inexplicably confiscated, causing a roar of laughter.

  • Alysha 2022-12-15 04:45:40

    The intricately intertwined plot is captivating, albeit unexpectedly until the very last moment, but the reasoning is so weak that the ending feels like a joke. The role of the heroine is a little weak, almost in name...

  • Maurine 2022-12-09 11:51:33

    Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake have too few rivals! unhappy!...

  • Lilla 2022-12-04 06:08:30


  • Ward 2022-11-29 09:22:09

    The passion crime caused by ptsd implies a criticism of the survival of soldiers. The love of two escapists. Chandler's golden sentences frequently appeared, but such a perfect script was ruined by censorship. Fortunately, even if it’s a modified version, it’s still an outstanding hard...

  • Rubie 2022-11-20 23:05:35

    Returned soldiers. Under the suspense frame, there are wrong man, Femme fatale, mental illness, and a little...

  • Rosalee 2022-11-18 23:23:20

    The first edition of blue dahlia, looking at the introduction of the following editions, it seems that the content is irrelevant. The first half is well laid out, and the second half is a bit scribbled and forced to be...

  • Desmond 2022-11-12 16:34:37

    Ladd x Lake. I can do this all day. The script sucks...

  • Mona 2022-11-10 20:48:25

    The woman who offended a lot of people, guess who killed her? Christie's beloved model. It's just that there are many details in the film, and the finale of "sit and listen to the results" is not so deliberate. ... Raymond Chandler was hit hard for the first time as an independent screenwriter: The Admiralty had forced him to change the ending of the script to avoid tarnishing the image of a soldier. In its original conception, the real murderer was a retired non-commissioned officer who was...

Extended Reading

The Blue Dahlia quotes

  • Eddie Harwood: Am I under suspicion?

    Captain Hendrickson: I don't know. How do you feel about it?

  • Johnny Morrison: [after being picked up] You oughta have more sense than to take chances with strangers like this.

    Joyce Harwood: Funny, but practically all the people I know were strangers when I met them. I'm going to Malibu. Is that any use to you?

    Johnny Morrison: What's in Malibu?

    Joyce Harwood: Houses, people. I have some friends there.