The Beach Bum Comments

  • Alice 2023-01-22 11:55:54

    Change "Spring Break" to "Drop Out". Matthew McConaughey really stop blowing it, he can only play the true colors of some...

  • Ettie 2023-01-19 21:19:48

    Living in the...

  • Daron 2023-01-04 07:15:43

    Super long MV, how could the starring role as such a stray middle-aged man have such muscles? The character setting is...

  • Trenton 2022-12-10 03:59:26

    This film is unlikely to be popular and resonate in China, even though some niche members of literary films are indignant to think how sweet this film is, it cannot be recognized by the mainstream in China. Everyone in China is so anxious and difficult to survive, how can they smoke marijuana and burn 50 million cash on a boat. To make Chinese people understand this film, its difficulty is equivalent to making Americans understand why Chinese parents buy school district housing, why children...

  • Dorothy 2022-12-01 05:26:36

    The slutty life of a drug addict! A piece of...

  • Ona 2022-11-30 17:06:45

    The most flying blockbuster this year? The biggest flyer this...

  • Sylvan 2022-11-17 08:52:13

    Chaos utopia, messy comedy, American sweetheart probably thinks she is this one, Korine can write and pick...

  • Bonita 2022-11-15 01:36:02

    1. In the end, they burned the boat and left to confirm that all Moondog's madness was self-knowledge. 2. The whole film is like a trailer, but the director does not want to criticize anything high above all else, there is no rigid preaching, everything is shown sincerely, and it will not be able to enter the play after the first 20 minutes. few. 3. The parts of Snoop Dogg are pretty good, and the role is very suitable. 4. The carnival before the wife's death, Moondog takes the bum home to mess...

  • Adolphus 2022-10-22 17:15:11

    I really don't...

  • Eliezer 2022-10-20 00:49:45

    The film that Malik has been trying to make in the digital age may be filmed by Hamoni Kolin...

Extended Reading

The Beach Bum quotes

  • Moondog: I get all these things going, man, and they are all turning me on. And my wires are connecting upstairs and I start to hear music in my head. You know, and the world is reverberating back and forth and I hit the frequency and I start to dance to it. My fingers get moving, my head gets soupy, I'm spinning all over the fucking place, and the fucking words come out.

  • Moondog: I don't want you to put a penny of that stuff in the bank. You know, I don't trust those Illuminati motherfuckers.