The Babysitter: Killer Queen Comments

  • Daphney 2023-05-17 07:18:01

    Plasma comedy, mindless, hahaha, very stress-relieving, but the second part of the movie itself is not as interesting as the first one, as far as the jokes and plots are...

  • Ubaldo 2023-05-17 00:59:54

    Are American high school students using MOTOROLA's flip phones in...

  • Akeem 2023-05-15 13:51:37

    So stupid; one star for Samara, one star for Jenna; why did Sam dye his hair all blond for a cameo role... It looks so...

  • Clifford 2023-04-26 23:14:54

    The babysitter's whitewashing is indeed a bit forced. The story of the female protagonist Phoebe in the second part really makes sense. The nanny killed Phoebe's family because of guilt, so she wanted to redeem Phoebe; how about the story of the first male protagonist? In order to make the hero brave, kill so many...

  • Cassandra 2023-03-29 01:56:07

    The mentally handicapped killing film made by the idiot funny show crew on the stage, 30 minutes of piecemeal foreshadowing, 10 minutes of nonsense, and then a collection of various methods of death. The plot is weak, the acting skills are lacking, the rhythm is scattered and intermittent, and the lines are full of...

  • Coby 2023-03-21 18:11:53

    In fact, one whitewashing and one blackening owe three stars. . . But still love this crazy...

  • Vern 2023-03-11 12:28:41

    All your worries in one go? There is nothing that cannot be solved in one shot? Stop shooting! Who would have thought that the second filming of the second part, the arrangement of the comedy in the film is really mentally handicapped, it will only make people feel embarrassed and even more annoying as you watch...

  • Iliana 2023-03-06 13:35:40

    Unexpectedly, there is a reversal in the nanny... It is still a thrilling comedy with a joyful...

  • Edgardo 2023-03-01 02:38:00

    Compared to the first one... not so interesting, but the first heroine is still...

  • Guido 2023-02-23 14:44:21

    Old swan, I wanted to watch a bad movie before going to bed to be happy, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. . . . I'm blind. I just want to double-speed up when I watch it. I just want to finish it quickly. I regret it after I watch it. Why can't I stop the loss in time? Now I just want to delete this stupid movie from Skyrim from my mind. . ....

Extended Reading

The Babysitter: Killer Queen quotes

  • Phoebe: [trying to reason with Allison] We can walk away from all this and forget it ever happened.

    Cole: Uh-huh.

    Allison: That's my line, A-cups!

    [fires a shot that ricochets off the cliff wall and hits her in the boob while Cole and Phoebe run off]

    Allison: My boob! Fuck me! Again? You little shits! Where'd you go?

  • Cole: [seeing Bee emerge from the water] You.

    Bee: Hey, Coley.

    Cole: I should've known tonight would end with you.