The Attorney Comments

  • Noel 2022-03-15 09:01:10

    The society I live in changes the world through demonstrations. Let’s dream. But hitting the stone with the pebbles, although the stone is strong, is dead, and the eggs are very fragile and still regenerate. The problem is that if my country's middle class wants to initiate a revolution, the national income must at least triple. not the right time yet. The three-minute long shot starting at 1:16 shows Uncle Song's sonorous wit and composure. Even if it is an ideal, I can be moved. I would like...

  • Eunice 2022-03-15 09:01:10

    Laws are sometimes part of the state's violent machinery, but the law is still the only weapon that individuals can use against the state machinery. When the state machinery wants to completely destroy a person's dignity and rights, the first thing it wants to do is to trample on the law. And when the law is trampled on in this way, even the most profit-seeking lawyers will stand up to defend the law. If you want to ask why the law is worthy of belief, this is probably my...

  • Aidan 2022-03-14 14:12:30

    It is not very clear what kind of president Roh Moo-hyun is, but the movie is adapted from real events, at least he has done such a thing. Korean movies have always been introspecting history, which is admirable. Song Kanghao, one of the big-faced actor, played so well that he was completely brought into the court. Special extra points for the last scene, the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the...

  • Kieran 2022-01-24 17:48:49

    South Korea’s loss of a president like Roh Moo-hyun...It’s really a national death.. And this producer named New is really eye-catching~ Last year I thought "New World", "Surveillator" and "No. 7" "The Gift of the Room", "Hide and Seek" and other movies are all planned by New and they all use new people to be...

  • Eldora 2022-01-24 17:48:49

    Seven years ago, the bibimbap that was eaten here was vomited, and those who vomited with shame; later, the udon noodles here were written, and the lie was written together; now the soup with rice is swallowed , And swallowed together are still unwilling. This small shop has taken in desolation, received nostalgia, and has been humiliated; the court on that side has restrained freedom, deceived morals, and betrayed the nation. The defenders who spoke up were called...

  • Alverta 2022-01-24 17:48:49

    Even if there is no subtitles, the whole film in Busan dialect can withstand this pain. After watching the movie for two hours, I met my friends and decided to watch the subtitled version again when I decided to watch it again. How to say I have to figure out why I cried twice. ....

  • Laverne 2022-01-24 17:48:49

    One thought is that the Koreans still can’t work. They actually gave this kind of defender the opportunity to go to court. Halfway through the talk, he was not dragged away. He didn’t cut off his microphone during the meeting. Anyway, the tear gas was put on and the stick was put on. Let 99 lawyers have the opportunity to dare to stand up and help in their defense. This is not a crime of incitement but also a crime of endangering national security. In the end, he was actually made president....

Extended Reading

The Attorney quotes

  • Choi Soon-ae: Old debts are settled by face, not money.

  • Jin-woo: You can throw dozens of eggs, but it can't hurt a boulder... As weak as eggs are, they are still living things... Boulders will break into dust, but eggs will hatch with life.