The Attorney Comments

  • Vince 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    Watching the god of acting contribute such a powerful and convincing film, it is worth five stars in itself. Although the film takes facial close-ups too often, it is really not a defect because the subject is Song Kanghao. Right...As for the story and subject matter, there is nothing to say except shock. We only have envy and jealousy. After all, people use movies to improve the system, and we only use the system to judge movies......

  • Cade 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    I admire the courage of the Koreans to face up to the national history. "The Defender" fully demonstrates the relaxation and struggle between the state power apparatus and the people. I also use the line in "The Forge", "What we do is not to change the world, but to prevent the world from changing us." Each of our citizens is just an animal in George Orwell's "Animal Farm". What we do is live a sober life and be a free...

  • Junior 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    The court defense is too general. But one thing is particularly accurate: a person who lives a good life and wants to make money, no matter how much you talk to him about the principles of democratic struggle, he may not be moved. Suddenly one day I found out, hey, the one who was caught and abused was an honest son who usually sold pork soup to my aunt, someone he knew. Became a champion of democracy in an instant. ....

  • Conrad 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    As long as it can be shot, such a movie is worth five stars; if it can only be screened, such a government is worthy of respect; Roh Moo-hyun committed suicide. Moon Jae-in,...

  • Kylie 2022-03-18 09:01:08

    OMG, this is definitely a debut. The flaws are not concealed, it is already great. I shed tears a few times by Song Kanghao's magical acting skills. Not so much sensationalism, I think this is the result of the actor's skill and heart. The story is very cheesy, adapted from real events, a transition from the Korean military dictatorship to the promotion of democracy. I cried into a fool at the end. Also, are Korean movies and Korean dramas really from the same country? Come...

  • Enid 2022-03-18 09:01:08

    Many flaws can still be found, but I still have to sigh the maturity of the Korean film industry. It seems that any new director can tell a moving story. Apart from the system, I have to admit that there is a huge difference in creative attitude. It is often only an extravagant hope to protect oneself in troubled times, and in many cases it is our indifferent attitude that has nothing to do with ourselves to indulge the occurrence of...

  • Tyrese 2022-03-17 09:01:09

    "Country, what is the country mentioned by the witnesses? The Republic of Korea's Constitution, Article 1, Item 2, states that the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea belongs to the country, and all powers are generated by the citizens, and the country is the citizen. However, the witnesses have no legal basis and blindly emphasize national security. Just trampled on the repression of the are the maggot that makes the kind and innocent country sick, and you are the dirty helper of...

  • Ashleigh 2022-03-17 09:01:09

    How many movies South Korea will produce in 2013 that are absolutely sensitive in China? From "Horror Live" and "Influenza" to this "The Defender", they all broke out in the last half hour, hollowing out their souls and making people fall into deep thought... conscience! The practical significance of the movie is greater than the movie itself. The first half an hour is still a little difficult to substitute into the plot, but fortunately it has reached the end and has no resistance to the...

  • Filomena 2022-03-16 09:01:08

    A movie that changed reality: On February 13, 2014, the Busan District Court issued a second-instance verdict on the "Bulim Incident" and sentenced 5 defendants to not guilty, 33 years after the first-instance verdict. "Because people cannot be protected by the law if they are not wealthy, and they cannot enjoy democracy. I cannot accept this statement."-Song...

  • Lola 2022-03-16 09:01:08

    Only scolding mainland cinema movies harder. It turned out to be an adaptation of Roh Moo-hyun's story. The court scenes were average and sensational, but the rationality and logic seemed insufficient, and the ending was super touching. Song Kanghao once looked at the audience on the screen with those big and small eyes, and now he is facing the cold-blooded violent machine again, very...

Extended Reading

The Attorney quotes

  • Choi Soon-ae: Old debts are settled by face, not money.

  • Jin-woo: You can throw dozens of eggs, but it can't hurt a boulder... As weak as eggs are, they are still living things... Boulders will break into dust, but eggs will hatch with life.