The Attorney Comments

  • Lindsay 2022-10-08 10:46:28

    This kind of subject is actually not easy to arrange, it is really very...

  • Jacinto 2022-09-29 10:15:35

    Courtroom long shot, Roh...

  • Jacinthe 2022-09-25 00:39:28

    Crying like a dog...why live in a world of idiots to benefit idiots, and why can't human beings perish...

  • Esmeralda 2022-09-23 02:11:25

    In the provocative part, the memories are actually more touching. In fact, the 1980s in South Korea are very interesting. There have been many related films in these years. From the military government to the present, Roh Moo-hyun's experience can also reflect the democratic process of South...

  • Daron 2022-09-12 19:59:52

    Song Kanghao is very suitable for this kind of speculative type, but he is actually a very honest little clever genius. The drama is abrupt, but the content is really good. "How can society be changed by demonstrations?" I can't step on the brakes now when I'm moving forward." "I don't want my children to live in a society where they step on the brakes because of things like this. You don't want to either." "I'll send my son to study...

  • Linnea 2022-09-12 11:47:17

    Many years later, before Roh Moo-hyun jumped off the cliff, would he have thought that if he had chosen another path, he might still be a wealthy lawyer and a happy...

  • Deanna 2022-09-10 11:14:33

    I sincerely hope that a movie like this can be made in China in 30...

  • Johanna 2022-08-21 20:10:26

    The structure is neat and tidy, much like an American shot. Korean movies make people feel dignified and envious. It's all good, but when I was inspired, I suddenly turned into a scholar, a little...a...

  • Edwardo 2022-03-20 09:02:52

    After all, countries with the rule of law have this opportunity to be a...

  • August 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    Although the stone is hard, the egg is life. Who says that the poor are not worthy of justice? Comrades, hold...

Extended Reading

The Attorney quotes

  • Choi Soon-ae: Old debts are settled by face, not money.

  • Jin-woo: You can throw dozens of eggs, but it can't hurt a boulder... As weak as eggs are, they are still living things... Boulders will break into dust, but eggs will hatch with life.