The Apparition Comments

  • Arnold 2023-04-02 12:48:05

    No idea. Malfoy is soy...

  • Adrain 2023-03-31 03:28:01

    I want to find a new way, but the audience probably won’t buy it. The scarier the film is, the better it will look. The twisting of the stairs, the decay of the house, etc., are a little weird in real life, and the effect in the movie is much worse. Finally, at the end of the end, a ghost-like thing appeared, it turned out to be...

  • Julia 2023-02-19 01:06:27

    The sluggish acting skills of the hero and heroine and the chaotic narrative rhythm of the director, even people like me who would be afraid of happy ghost fighting generals don't find it scary at all... 2 stars for Tom's sake, only Tom is this bad movie A clear spring! T^T (I mean, what is the purpose of accepting this kind of rotten movie... to travel to the United States at public...

  • Bud 2023-02-01 19:48:46

    Horror movies that make people want to laugh but can't laugh, want to upgrade but can't find it...

  • Brain 2023-01-24 23:52:45

    The director feels that every time he seeks a solution, perseverance and perseverance is weak. If a ghost comes, he will not want to leave. The right way is to destroy the...

  • Alanis 2023-01-09 04:32:56

    The plots that ghost movies should have are all there, and the scenes that ghost movies should appear have also appeared unexpectedly, especially the movies that are quite...

  • Krista 2023-01-04 04:13:50

    The director spent all his budget on sound effects, he couldn't care about other...

  • Dolores 2022-12-24 17:56:22

    It took 12 knives to watch the big bad movie, no wonder it is so short, is the director embarrassed, there are no special effects from beginning to end, comparable to the bad ghost movies in China. The only thing I remember is that the heroine locked herself in the laundry room at the most critical moment, and those who watched it knew what I was talking about. Those who haven't seen it, watch the trailer directly, all the worth watching footage is...

  • Mabelle 2022-12-23 11:01:15

    Not too scary. The plot is rather...

  • Karelle 2022-11-16 10:10:25

    The male protagonist actually wore a Darkthrone?...

Extended Reading

The Apparition quotes

  • Maggie: [to Kelly] Your house killed my dog.

  • Kelly: The only way to protect ourselves is to live in a box.