The Air I Breathe Comments

  • Wayne 2022-09-20 00:46:39

    Familiar actors are pretty good. Wonderful...

  • Elbert 2022-09-19 14:34:27

    There are so many bugs in the plot, and there are many SBs in the play. Predicting that the man was dead deserved it! Because of him, I don't know how many people were killed! If you have the ability to do something bad, you just want to be someone else's...

  • Moshe 2022-05-02 06:01:07

    the air i breathe is the air you breathe and the air he breathes and the air they...

  • Sasha 2022-05-02 06:01:07

    Not very...

  • Scot 2022-05-02 06:01:07

    The play is old, the performance is stiff, and the circle is closed so reluctantly. I only like the title. ....

  • Muriel 2022-05-02 06:01:07

    Life is so uncertain, who can hold the throat of...

  • Lupe 2022-05-02 06:01:07

    Scars are the signpost to the...

Extended Reading

The Air I Breathe quotes

  • Eddie: That's the boss' nephew?

    Tony: [in the background, upon seeing Fingers' desk] Nigga what? This fucking thing is huge!

    Eddie: What's he like?

    Tony: [background] Fuck me! This is just like fuck!

    Pleasure: Articulate.

  • Pleasure: When you can see the future, you think you're capable of changing it. But you're just a witness to coming moments, unable to help, even if you wanted to and maybe you don't. Sometimes you think you're supposed to learn something, about patience or distance, but in the end it's all about discipline. Seeing things you don't always want to and just moving on. After a while things become easier. Routine keeps your mind from wandering. You begin to accept things as they are. Every man has his destiny. You can't escape it, even if you can see it coming.