The Air I Breathe Comments

  • Lura 2023-09-22 01:19:24

    Need to think about what caused me to watch this crappy...

  • Destin 2023-09-18 20:35:37

    Beautiful butterfly reborn from...

  • Saul 2023-07-31 06:17:57

    As soon as I saw the end of the first paragraph, I knew that this was another cyclical story, and it was too old-fashioned in general. There is more and more a feeling that when people don't know what to express, they start to make a fuss on the timeline of the story. Of course, this can increase the visibility and suspense to a certain extent, but it still cannot change the mediocre nature of a film....

  • Mina 2023-07-28 00:10:09

    like the last...

  • Reva 2023-07-05 17:57:12

    The cuts are broken and put together, the director, the narration, and the cinematography are all good, and the screenwriter's words—in the actual order of the characters' names, seem to be pretty...

  • Ray 2023-06-22 07:55:16

    The story is a bit far-fetched, but there are still moving...

  • Adolphus 2023-06-18 04:36:14

    The plot that is interspersed for the sake of interspersed, looks blunt to death....

  • Teagan 2023-04-23 02:54:21

    It's so good that the black guy didn't die. After he died, I felt dull about the plot, although it was still the same as...

  • Annie 2023-04-17 11:40:34

    The plot is well...

  • Conrad 2023-04-14 11:53:38

    It was a good group show, but it feels like everything is...

Extended Reading

The Air I Breathe quotes

  • Eddie: That's the boss' nephew?

    Tony: [in the background, upon seeing Fingers' desk] Nigga what? This fucking thing is huge!

    Eddie: What's he like?

    Tony: [background] Fuck me! This is just like fuck!

    Pleasure: Articulate.

  • Pleasure: When you can see the future, you think you're capable of changing it. But you're just a witness to coming moments, unable to help, even if you wanted to and maybe you don't. Sometimes you think you're supposed to learn something, about patience or distance, but in the end it's all about discipline. Seeing things you don't always want to and just moving on. After a while things become easier. Routine keeps your mind from wandering. You begin to accept things as they are. Every man has his destiny. You can't escape it, even if you can see it coming.