That Hope Is You, Part 1 Comments

  • Braeden 2022-12-02 08:07:46

    Only the special effects can hold...

  • Hazle 2022-11-20 12:29:52

    It's a bit too much nonsense. It's been 900 years, and as a result, technology has not made great progress! The story can be seen, pass the...

  • Ulices 2022-11-06 21:42:06

    The last two episodes of the battle of the ship can be watched, and the unimaginative mystery of The Burn throughout the season makes me feel no wavering in my heart. It’s not a big deal, and there’s a lot to talk about. Before and after work, you have to take turns to make a big pass, and it’s still white water filled with chicken soup. Even the departure of a cool character like Georgiou is really annoying.//Don't think the fancy fighting scene can save (well, it can save a little) your lack...

  • Webster 2022-11-06 20:38:53

    Is the change of uniform at the end of the film because tilly can no longer wear the original uniform? The third season is much...

  • Burley 2022-10-20 16:23:14

    In the second episode, I cried, the spirit of the star alliance that can't be beaten to death, all kinds of discovery and the heroine are open and more affectionate. Mike's new hairstyle is good in the third season. After the third season, the time manager has become the support of theism. The final villain has a complex personality. The new world view and binary opposition will officially start at the end of the season. Looking forward to the next season, who said that the Orville is the real...

  • Jazlyn 2022-10-17 23:31:11

    One star is a bit too...

  • Kristoffer 2022-09-27 22:57:03

    The three-dimensionality and richness of the characters are not as good as the previous two seasons, and the world view is also rushed, but the growth of women in the rare sci-fi drama is the core of my insistence, this season is almost all about the connection between...

  • Adolfo 2022-09-24 00:12:03

    The same problem, the scene is dreamy, the special effects are excellent, and the futuristic feeling is full, but the story pulls the hips and the characters are...

  • Friedrich 2022-09-19 04:23:43

    I always feel rushed. Many places are old-fashioned, but some concepts are very...

  • Floy 2022-09-10 10:17:51

    The malice towards Asians is fully revealed, stealing, stubbornness, tyranny, and finally have to experience with them before they can change their minds? There are no good-looking people, only black people, fat people, cyber-transformed people, aliens, homosexuals, the screenwriter's idea is too clear, but the malice towards Asians cannot be...

Extended Reading

That Hope Is You, Part 1 quotes

  • Aditya Sahil: Commander Burnham, now I'll tell you a secret. I'm not a commissioned officer. You see, my father was, his father before him. But, unlike them, I was never officially sworn in. There has been no one to do it. Yet, I watched this office every day, as I have for 40 years, believing one day, others like me would walk through that door; that my hope was not in vain. Today is that day. And that hope is you, Commander Burnham.

    Michael Burnham: [to Booker, smiling] True believers.

  • Cleveland Booker: This is what my planet used to be like. Until I had to leave it behind. How much did you leave behind?

    Michael Burnham: Nine hundred and thirty years.

    Cleveland Booker: Why?

    Michael Burnham: To ensure the future. *A* future.

    Cleveland Booker: Thank you.