Team America: World Police Comments

  • Lacy 2023-07-25 07:03:50

    At first, I couldn't stand it all, but gradually became higher and higher~ The pussy dick asshole in the bar really couldn't help it, okay! Tucao world is a strange flower! (It was long expected that there would be two extreme...

  • Milan 2023-07-24 00:41:47

    Is it the ultimate prank? But I'm curious, the puppet's mouth is quite smooth, is it an elastic...

  • Palma 2023-07-03 09:16:32

    The spoof style is not smooth enough, and there is no need to use so much space for some types of film elements that are not effective. The puppet effect is unique and very interesting. The last dick, pussy, and asshole speech completely kneeled down. The talent of the second old man really has nothing to say. By the way, there is something that 911times2256 can't figure out, I can get the answer by mental calculation in ten seconds, can the leader have a...

  • Ellen 2023-06-29 13:32:50

    I watched it three times and laughed to death four times! ! ! ! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

  • Adalberto 2023-06-25 19:37:32

    This is the largest and most flavorful puppet show I've seen so far. I don't know about Choi Pak. When I saw the scene where the male lead vomited, I think the director had the same experience, or he didn't act so well. Well,...

  • Fay 2023-06-17 23:41:13

    Wow, cats are rehabilitated! He made a leopard-like cry and flew towards the enemy! I want to give 5 stars to SEX for more than a minute! ! !...

  • Ransom 2023-06-17 10:14:34

    Sean Penn, who is portrayed making outlandish claims about how happy and utopian Iraq was before Team America showed up, sent Parker and Stone an angry letter inviting them to tour Iraq with him, ending with the words "fuck...

  • Sophia 2023-06-02 04:10:50

    In fact, I don't really understand it, I just think that puppet Kim Jong-il is very...

  • Maxwell 2023-05-31 22:01:53

    Kuso for more than an hour, but finally entered the main melody stage. . ....

  • Leanna 2023-05-27 07:59:19

    I love this kind of spoof, especially the marionette as the protagonist. In addition to the weirdness that the puppets can't get rid of when they walk, carefully observe the picture, the composition and the use of lenses are not worse than the live-action film, such as explosions, water floods, air battles and XOXO scenes, all of which are super realistic. Begin to propose and pull out a big diamond ring; after giving Gary plastic surgery; Gary is so happy when he vomits! It is more surprising...

Extended Reading

Team America: World Police quotes

  • Kim Jong Il: You are worthress, Arec Barrwin!

  • Gary Johnston: I promise.

    Gary Johnston: I will never die.

Team America: World Police

Director: Trey Parker

Language: English,French,Klingon,Korean,Arabic Release date: October 15, 2004