Tallulah Comments

  • Darrion 2023-09-24 10:55:06

    Because at the end, barely 3 stars... the process is really boring! The story is actually pretty good, but the director and the actors did not perform well—especially the child’s mother (this was supposed to be a very important character, but was turned into a mad woman...

  • Lizeth 2023-08-29 07:05:35

    On the contrary, it is the bad mother Carolyn's play that has the most tension, a woman who has lost her love in despair and confusion. This script is very neat, with three women, one theme, and a high degree of...

  • Lionel 2023-08-07 09:55:12

    I think the biggest problem with this film is that Ai Meizi did not clearly explain the emotional changes of the child. The interaction between the two did not leave a memory that resonated with the audience, and the audience’s emotions were not cathartic, or not at all. Arouse the emotions of the viewers. This may be attributable to the director's pale, weak and unorganized storytelling of such a simple story, and he did not grasp the point at which he should...

  • Friedrich 2023-07-22 11:54:49

    Vomiting Chicken...

  • Bailee 2023-07-18 05:04:25

    Everyone is looking for a little motivation to move forward in a messed...

  • Estefania 2023-07-09 19:18:20

    It does not start with love, nor does it end with family love, it is a story about "a family". Three women, girls, and baby girls of different ages seem to be the loneliest...

  • Mervin 2023-07-05 01:05:10

    This is a movie with a big collection of fake mothers. None of the three women wanted children, but Tallulah and her boyfriend's mom were finally redeemed because they took care of the next generation, gave them love, and felt life. But it doesn't feel good. After all, it's the story of a woman who doesn't want children, and it's still not the same as the average...

  • Shana 2023-06-04 07:54:17

    Does Ellen Page just have a face of a girl who stumbles? It looks like there is only damsel in...

  • Janiya 2023-05-20 22:22:55

    Why did Ellen Page take on the role of this brainless...

  • Patsy 2023-05-10 13:09:10

    We all are...

Extended Reading

Tallulah quotes

  • Detective Kinnie: This

    [baby dresses]

    Detective Kinnie: is quite a collection.

    Carolyn: She love to dress up.

    Detective Kinnie: That's

    [tequila bottles]

    Detective Kinnie: quite a collection as well.

    Carolyn: I'm the mother, not a suspect.

  • Margo: I've done crazy things.

    Tallulah: Sure!

    Margo: *Wild!*

    Tallulah: I mean I bet I can beat it, but...

    Margo: Uh-huh!