Take the Money and Run Comments

  • Leatha 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    The real debut of the old man is a very beautiful movie. It seems that he has the only (?) lens that takes off his glasses (actually it's really handsome), and he doesn't even take off his glasses for sex scenes. Pseudo documentary, pretty much in the style of 60s movies. Lots of hot jokes (very good ending). From now on, all our favorite Woody Allen elements can be found here. The scene on the beach in the film is a tribute to Leroche's "Men and Women...

  • Kacie 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    Barely passing. Woody Allen’s early films did not have the rigid motives of paying tribute to other big directors. They were more like a serious collection of jokes linking up short paragraphs, and some of the ideas were really funny: using a soap gun to escape from prison but being poured out by heavy rain. Soaked, tried the medicine, turned into a Jewish rabbi and was released on parole, took a note to rob the bank, and the whole bank came to recognize his botched handwriting, and the almost...

  • Melba 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    Master Woody’s film debut. A foolish slum kid who kept committing crimes and then escaped from prison for a lifetime. Dangerous and funny along the way. What is amazing is the love period. In a natural society, love at first sight happens naturally. But in today's China where values ​​are distorted, views on marriage and love are perverted, human rights are weighed against the pros and cons, and love and marriage are reduced to transactions, beautiful and innocent love may only be found in...

  • Roel 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    "Crime is a clear payment. It is a great job. Time flies quickly. Be your own boss. You can often travel and meet many interesting people. In general, this is a good...

  • Alysson 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    "Crime is a job that pays and rewards very fair, and I am very happy. Being my own boss, I can travel often and meet all kinds of interesting people. Overall, this is a very good job. "Perhaps this is the earliest serious nonsense. . Ha ha ha...

  • Hannah 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    In that era, this was a very personalized non-mainstream movie! At least it seems so novel now, just because there are too many things of this type now, so we won't have a lot of feelings about this...

  • Freeda 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    The images and lines are all jokes, which are effective and short-lived and interesting. Between the jokes and the jokes, it is unbearable torment, so stupid that people want to slap themselves when they read...

Extended Reading

Take the Money and Run quotes

  • Virgil: **after another group of robbers enters the bank** "O.K., show of hands. How many people want to be robbed by *this* group?"

  • Julius Epstein - The Psychiatrist: Well, I think the conflict in this personality, uh, sorta started from his formative years. I think it gives evidence in his choice of the cello. For instance, studying the cello at the age of six. Is just coming out of the formative years, but the conflict is there in his choice. Because it is generally assumed the cello is a phallic symbol, I mean with the grasp and the lowest structural forms certainly a feminine, if anything motherly. In fact, the utilization of the bow, I would imagine is the sublimation of the stroking the torso. So between the grasping, the phallic and the stroking of the torso, would create, I would imagine great conflict. Even at the age of six.