Take the Money and Run Comments

  • Claudie 2022-03-17 09:01:06

    People always seem immature when they start their career as a director, and so does Woody... A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single...

  • Maeve 2022-03-17 09:01:06

    It's all about style practice and take the opportunity to kiss Margorin Yoshizawa. . . But some clips are still beautifully...

  • Lucie 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    You can travel, you can be your own boss, crime is really a good job! This spirit deserves the "Best Bandit of the Year Award"! Regardless of 2 or not 2, indulging in your own world is always happy, not to mention that he arranges a beautiful woman for himself every...

  • Nikita 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    Interpretation technique, nerd temperament,...

  • Imogene 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    Woody Allen’s debut, a funny satirical documentary that makes no sense, laughs until his stomach hurts, I don’t know why yolfilm bursts into...

  • Hadley 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    One of the great significance of this movie is to record the beauty of Janet margolin so faithfully. The rest are all kinds of invincible stalks of Invincible...

  • Wendy 2022-03-14 14:12:26

    I think that crime definitely pays that, it's a great job, the hours are good and you're your own boss, and you travel a lot and you get to meet interesting people, i just think it's a good job in general. , Telling such a ridiculous story in a pseudo-recorded way and embedding it in a fragment of his own life, Mr. Wu is too...

  • Nyasia 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    Debut? Watching woody can really help when you're in a bad mood. Comedy show-style jokes are self-contained. The filmed movies are full of laughter that transcends the times, and the style behind is also in the same line. I like every point in every place, and I can’t think of where I don’t like...

  • Ruthe 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    Ah ha ha ha ha, laughed to death! I don’t know what an anti-genre movie is, but it’s true that Woody Allen picked a beauty for...

  • Isabel 2022-01-11 08:02:24

    Janet Margolin feels a lot like Scarlett Johansson! Woody, this old man just likes this kind of rushing beautiful girl! Woody's sense of humor has always been very special! !...

Extended Reading

Take the Money and Run quotes

  • Virgil: **after another group of robbers enters the bank** "O.K., show of hands. How many people want to be robbed by *this* group?"

  • Julius Epstein - The Psychiatrist: Well, I think the conflict in this personality, uh, sorta started from his formative years. I think it gives evidence in his choice of the cello. For instance, studying the cello at the age of six. Is just coming out of the formative years, but the conflict is there in his choice. Because it is generally assumed the cello is a phallic symbol, I mean with the grasp and the lowest structural forms certainly a feminine, if anything motherly. In fact, the utilization of the bow, I would imagine is the sublimation of the stroking the torso. So between the grasping, the phallic and the stroking of the torso, would create, I would imagine great conflict. Even at the age of six.