Take the Money and Run Comments

  • Asa 2022-03-23 09:02:49

    Very capable. By the way, it was also made into a pure love...

  • Lucas 2022-03-23 09:02:49

    The first half of the life of the disgusted Woody Allen. Looking back in this way, I feel that the old man has never changed in his life, except that it was not a ramble at the beginning. Combining comedy and silent films with absurdity, the slapstick is rich and powerful, and each scene is very memorable. The most interesting thing is that after escaping the prison, he dragged the shackles and talked to his wife. The wife only cared about the conversation and was not at all surprised. The...

  • Beulah 2022-03-22 09:02:29

    The original Woody Allen, the most youthful literary comedy. The movie itself is still a bit too neurotic and absurd, but the level of the old man's follow-up jokes has begun to emerge, and the use of this pseudo-documentary style is quite mature. You must know that this is the first serious director's work of the old man! In addition, the heroine is so beautiful that it is unreasonable. If this temperament is packaged now, it is estimated that it will definitely not lose to those popular...

  • Pearlie 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    Very "Xili Biography", but the form of pseudo-documentary is not thorough enough. There are many humorous segments in the film, but it seems a little powerless to combine them into a whole, and the rhythm of individual paragraphs is slowed down and procrastinated. As the debut film made at the age of 34, the highlights are still more than the unfamiliar, and the editing is especially in the style of the new wave of that...

  • Davon 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    Although the idea is not as unique as Zelig, but the level of hilarity is even worse. And when Allen was young, he was really soft and cute. Even if he was bald, I couldn't stop my nympho. When I watched the film, I kept thinking that it would be quite exciting if his every year for so many years was a pseudo-documentary like...

  • Athena 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    Woody Allen's directorial debut / 45th Woody Allen / pseudo-documentary style / self-mockery in distress / old man who took off his glasses is still...

  • Jorge 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    Genius debut style with a strong and appropriate sense of humor, "stupid" girls, deconstruction of traditional values, love and hate for the media (pseudo-documentary)... Here you can find all his...

  • 晓雪 2022-03-20 09:02:24

    Laughed to death, god...

  • Jerald 2022-03-18 09:01:05

    Two unexpected gains: I found the source of the gif that played the cello in the marching team, and answered a question from a Weibo male god half a year ago (please pretend to make a movie and go to the bank). The movie is very fun and beautiful, except when Woody Allen molested the beautiful heroine. . ....

  • Nickolas 2022-03-18 09:01:05

    I finally found you. I thought I was watching this film on the county video station back then, and my classmates shared it with me the next...

Extended Reading

Take the Money and Run quotes

  • Virgil: **after another group of robbers enters the bank** "O.K., show of hands. How many people want to be robbed by *this* group?"

  • Julius Epstein - The Psychiatrist: Well, I think the conflict in this personality, uh, sorta started from his formative years. I think it gives evidence in his choice of the cello. For instance, studying the cello at the age of six. Is just coming out of the formative years, but the conflict is there in his choice. Because it is generally assumed the cello is a phallic symbol, I mean with the grasp and the lowest structural forms certainly a feminine, if anything motherly. In fact, the utilization of the bow, I would imagine is the sublimation of the stroking the torso. So between the grasping, the phallic and the stroking of the torso, would create, I would imagine great conflict. Even at the age of six.