Superman II Comments

  • Ulises 2022-02-08 08:02:28

    Margot Kidder---How did the actor Louis Lane be selected? According to the current aesthetic point of view, the cheekbones are high, the face is thin, and the eyes are big and scary. . Besides, the role of Louis is not thankful in the movie,-#Superman gave up his supernatural power for her,...

  • Giuseppe 2022-02-08 08:02:28

    Superman's two big enemies, Zord and Lex, appeared at the same time, which could have used this to show their talents, but the change of director changed the style from the first episode of a slightly humorous heroic epic to a gloomy Superman that is hard to remember. But this should be the closest Superman and Louise's love to success. In the end, Superman erased the memory of Louise, which is...

  • Stephania 2022-02-08 08:02:28

    Knowledge 1: If you want to make a classic movie, don't put too many trendy jokes. After the time limit, it will be cheap. Seen and heard 2: Special effects wanted to be gimmicks in the previous era, unprecedented, but unexpected. In recent years, they really blended into the movie and became a non-prop-like existence. We became a witness in the historical events of the...

  • Trever 2022-02-08 08:02:28

    Lois was going to die and jump off the building alive, Superman only flicked a piece of cloth to pick her up, and slammed into the fruit stand stupidly. Lex scams to play with General Zod. Superman cleaned up the mess with three punches and two feet. At the end, he played the time reversal again, and he didn't forget to take the initiative to take the initiative to avenge the beating of the...

  • Damion 2022-02-08 08:02:28

    Compared with the first one, there are a lot of fighting scenes that seem to be very awkward now, showing more violent elements, but it is understandable. After all, the opponents this time are three badass Kryptonians, so you can’t tell them. reason. The overall feeling is so-so, and there is still a gap with the first one. In addition, this should be the theater release version of the year, which was mainly done by Richard...

  • Emilia 2022-02-08 08:02:28

    The emotional feelings of the birth star are crying family members South Node South Node Richard Donner Scorpion star 12 rooms, 1 room of which 1 trillion yuan in this life, 12 rooms of bull star, 1 room of Christopher Reeve, Lion 1 room, Aries, group of 110 people, crab star 11 rooms, water bottle Men Love Women Scale Star 3 Rooms Gemini Terence Stamp Ox Star 8 Rooms Scorpion Gene Hackman Scorpion 8 Rooms Scorpion Valerie Perrine Water Bottle Star 11 Rooms Water...

  • Kristian 2022-02-08 08:02:28

    Since the three evils attacked the moon and forced the White House to bow down, the film has entered a very silly state. It is not only limited by special effects technology, but the key lies in the director's lack of sensitivity to the defects that may arise from such limitations. On the contrary, it was relatively mild in the first half, showing Superman's usual non-trivial behavior (destroying cars and stealing burgers) and the part where female reporters judge their identity by throwing...

  • Therese 2022-02-08 08:02:28

    I laughed and complained, but I couldn’t stop watching it. After watching the re-edited version, I watched the deleted old version on YouTube. I can only say that no matter what... Lois Lane’s IQ and EQ are both full. Offline, general zod's bright lipstick and deep V (go deep or go home dude) are both stupid and...

  • Violet 2022-02-08 08:02:28

    I watched the director’s cut version, but it was too ordinary. It might have looked so cool at the time, but now it doesn’t seem to be a nutritious rush. It feels that a problem has been exposed. Superman's power is terrifying. He is very kind if he is not kind. It is hard to say if he is not...

Extended Reading

Superman II quotes

  • General Zod: This "super-man" is nothing of the kind; I've discovered his weakness.

    Ursa: Yes?

    General Zod: He cares. He actually cares for these Earth people.

    Ursa: Like pets?

    General Zod: I suppose.

    Ursa: Sentimental idiot!

  • Otis: How're we gonna get over that wall?

    Lex Luthor: How'd we get in here?

    Otis: We flew in, doncha remember?

    Lex Luthor: That's how we're gonna get out.