Summer with Monika Comments

  • Cara 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    You can't have both. If you choose a path, you have to walk down on your knees. If you get on a woman, you have to keep going, even if she abandons her husband and children. The mobile photography is beautiful, the actors are natural, and it tells a tragic story of the characters of a man and a woman. (from my...

  • Oliver 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    3.5 The very natural and healthy Bergman, the occasional close-up shots against black and white reveal a mysterious and terrifying religious...

  • Berneice 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    Elopement, fleeing because I don’t want to be hindered by the ugly and boring faces in the city who keep trying to bend myself. So, say goodbye to family, say goodbye to work, and say goodbye to the social system. They went down the river and out to sea, enjoying the sun, the sensuality, the youthful time and the changing landscape. However, there is no idealism that is not dead. Hedonists should clearly know the price of freedom. Sweetness is always short-lived, or sweetness is sweet because...

  • Rosalinda 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    The Chinese title is very attractive, but the original title is just "Summer with Monica", which doesn't mean "bad girl". It's just an imitation of love. They imitate romantic love from popular culture such as movies and music, but they have no basis in reality and are doomed to fail. Looking directly at the camera twice at the end is very good, and the sense of tragedy arises spontaneously. In Sweden, which was sexually liberated at the time, actresses could be naked (as well as armpit hair),...

  • Jayne 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    In the early days of Bergman, there were such rough and direct movies, the characters were quite plump, but the story was too loose. Monica is another Madame Bovary, full of Dionysian spirit, that kind of fire-like vitality can easily burn others to...

  • Vincenzo 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    A typical modern love tragedy, and now love has become a moldy spot on the bread. That happy summer and those sad expressions. The name "bad girl" is...

  • Nicolette 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    There are only two actors, and the other actors have at most a few scenes. The two of them played for 30 minutes in the middle. There are many classic movies in the "three-player mode", but there are very few with only two people. Bergman is too amazing. That's it, it's quite meaningful. I saw that the "re-cut version" is only 62 minutes, which is 34 minutes less than the original film. I will see what I have cut off when I brush it next time. After this is the series of magic films of the...

  • Ransom 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    I've heard the name for a long time, but I haven't watched it... While watching, I exclaimed in my heart: I underestimated you, dbq! I like this movie so much, I can feel that Bergman in his thirties brought all his thoughts, emotions, and gazes into life at that time (and saw the cityscape of Stockholm in the 1950s. I like the two I like the small hills overlooking the night scene after watching the movie; I like them going down the river in a boat, going back to the same city after a while; I...

  • Eleanora 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    Back then I was restless, ignorant, stupid, and despised what she said, and now I'm watching this movie, from the first minute to the next minute, fucking storyboards, fucking metaphors, you always You'll be planted somewhere, on one end of the weightless scale, lying on your back, and then you'll find yourself without any weights. They have changed you so profoundly, but your existence does not seem to have any effect on them, but you accept your fate, what else can you say, some things are...

  • Sonya 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    Clam? What the hell? I'm too "modern" to appreciate it? The beautiful light and shadow are far from enough to subsidize the hour and a half that I wasted on this stupid...

Extended Reading

Summer with Monika quotes

  • Monika Eriksson: I'm soaking wet, but I'll freeze if I take my coat off.

    Harry Lund: The sleeping bag's warm.

    Monika Eriksson: [takes her coat off] I don't want to wrinkle my skirt.

    [takes her skirt off]

    Monika Eriksson: Take off your pants so you don't ruin the creases. What nice long legs you have. Come here.

  • Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Finally decided to show up?

    Harry Lund: I didn't hear my alarm. Dad's sick, so I'm alone.

    Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Out with hussies, no doubt. That slut at the greengrocer's.

    Harry Lund: Mind your own business!