Summer with Monika Comments

  • Lucinda 2023-08-31 21:10:37

    Adhere to the ability to save, and one shot can solve the fine style of being resolute and not chaotic; the lust of female characters cannot be properly released in the male-dominated society (Hollywood romance films), and even looks a bit demonized; compared to the passion in reality The director, the male is a positive image without lust; the film's exploration of women is respectful, afraid, and wants to go deeper, at least expanding the sexual interest of the opposite sex into interest; BFI...

  • Sandy 2023-06-04 17:29:10

    The opening is very romantic, the ending is very sad, the heroine is romantic, the hero is realism, the communication between the two is only a momentary spark, Bergman's lens is delicate, plain and real, but when reality defeats love, you In the end, I had to sigh and sigh, all beautiful fantasies are the victims of life. PS: "Blue Valentine" is probably influenced by this movie, it feels like...

  • Eloy 2022-11-09 11:59:16

    I watched it in a high school psychology class... Now I find it extraordinarily miraculous... The last big...

  • Ryleigh 2022-11-01 19:11:44

    Bergman's passion for love and doubts about marriage can still be seen in this film. Once together, not together, it's all feelings. The place where Monica looked back and stared at the camera really made me...

  • Trystan 2022-10-24 15:02:47

    The tragedy of love is mostly because there is only one romantic and affectionate person in it. But Monica turned her head and stared at me, which made me forgive her infidelity and understand her unwillingness. She is romantic and...

  • Amparo 2022-09-29 11:13:57

    The early Bergman is also great. The mirror scene that echoes at the end is a wonderful pen. The hero and heroine escape by boat. Thinking of the barge of Atlanta, Bergman did not inject too much moral criticism, but showed doubts about the marriage relationship. , although it is a small pattern, it can also allow the audience to see Bergman's finishing touches...

  • Thaddeus 2022-09-09 07:47:12

    Bergman's heroine is my favorite HarrietAndersson. Her performance in this is unquestionably...

  • Keith 2022-09-04 08:31:25

    I don't know why I think of my brother's "Monica", of course it doesn't matter. Monica is a naive girl, she is romantic, innocent, selfish, childish, full of simple desires. The collision of romanticism and realism may be a compromise for ordinary people. But for Monica, compromise is more painful than death. How can you blame...

  • Ashleigh 2022-04-24 07:01:22

    Love is beautiful, marriage is realistic, and if children are involved, it will be a...

  • Clifton 2022-04-24 07:01:22

    Perhaps the Scandinavian summer is too short, the summer loves in Bergman's works are always tragic, like illusory dreams fleeting. The biggest difference between movies and reality is that movies end in time, but life continues in boredom, which is why Monica is destined to...

Extended Reading

Summer with Monika quotes

  • Monika Eriksson: I'm soaking wet, but I'll freeze if I take my coat off.

    Harry Lund: The sleeping bag's warm.

    Monika Eriksson: [takes her coat off] I don't want to wrinkle my skirt.

    [takes her skirt off]

    Monika Eriksson: Take off your pants so you don't ruin the creases. What nice long legs you have. Come here.

  • Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Finally decided to show up?

    Harry Lund: I didn't hear my alarm. Dad's sick, so I'm alone.

    Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Out with hussies, no doubt. That slut at the greengrocer's.

    Harry Lund: Mind your own business!