Suffragette Comments

  • Holden 2022-03-23 09:02:46

    Because it is too touched to comment...

  • Maudie 2022-03-23 09:02:46

    Watching this movie today is so fitting, there is no equal rights without bloodshed. Mulligan, Helena and Aunt May, the cast's acting skills can't be better. If the movie can expand the timeline to the post-World War I war, it will be even more perfect to integrate the historical background with the main...

  • Garrick 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    Patience is not a virtue. When encountering injustice, you must speak up. "War is the only language a man can listen...

  • Amelia 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    I saw a silly comment and thought I had to write a few sentences. The "male indifference" that women hated a hundred years ago still exists today! Watching this film now, some people will think it's not salty or bland, but what you need to know is that equal rights for women and men were written into the Chinese constitution in 1949. Your grandparents have the same opportunity to work as men, and contributed to the family and the country. When you are born, you will naturally enjoy this equal...

  • Bartholome 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    When you are in the contemporary freedom and rights (especially in the Western world, and there are still many missing), it is hard to imagine that in that era, not everyone had rights, and a hundred years ago, women were still inferior citizen. really...

  • Melyna 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    70/100 women have the right to vote, women have custody of their children, rights that seem axiomatic today but required sacrifice and death 100 years ago. So stop feeling that your power to earn your rights is insignificant, and stop laughing at those who are sacrificing for...

  • Otis 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    In the world, only Europe and the United States are encouraging women's equality and independence, and we didn't have human rights just over a hundred years ago. Human rights first, then equality, and this process is destined to involve the efforts and sacrifices of many people. What should I do for the world today, standing on the shoulders of my ancestors? Believe that you have the power to change the world, even just a...

  • Alyson 2022-03-21 09:02:44

    A hundred years ago, a man could decide on his own to put his own son up for adoption. A hundred years later, when a Chinese woman lay on a delivery bed, it was still up to her husband to save her life. We are still enduring all kinds of harassment in the office, and we seem to have made a lot of progress, and we seem to be standing still. btw, China finally appeared in the list of countries with the right to vote for women, which is completely a capital...

  • Louisa 2022-03-21 09:02:44

    Any great change in history will be accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice. We admire these strong and brave women. Think for yourself, if you replace it with yourself, you may not be able to do...

  • Krista 2022-03-21 09:02:44

    Not hating Carey Mulligan for the first time. By the way, the ending shows that Saudi Arabia only allowed women to vote in 2015, but it does not say that it was also the same year that men were allowed to vote for the first...

Extended Reading

Suffragette quotes

  • Maud Watts: Your mother's name is Maud Watts. Don't forget that name. Because, I'll be waiting for you to find me. Will you find me George? Don't forget it.

  • Violet Miller: You want me to respect the law? Then make the law respectable.