Suffragette Comments

  • Bonnie 2022-11-04 11:05:34

    Liberty and equality are also the spirit of the law. Feminism is not the supremacy of privilege, but equal rights with men. On the other hand, the rights that men and women have are natural rights of man. Therefore, feminism is a pseudo-concept. It is pointless to discuss whether the film is left or...

  • Rosemary 2022-10-12 04:54:42

    There is no equality that is not obtained through struggle. So many fearless girls are sacrificing, and people are constantly awakening. This is the most basic right, but it takes so many pioneers to fight for it. Aunt Mei's speech was heart-warming, thanks to these brave girls. After watching it, I feel like I only love...

  • Holden 2022-10-04 19:18:36

    "You have a lot to lose. Life is dangerous. You don't have to necessarily go to war for certain days of our lives to feel completely treacherous." Sarah Treem said this sentence, especially for women. Women are too easily deprived of...

  • Leone 2022-09-13 23:33:50

    A firm belief, the price of...

  • Leanne 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    In the horizontal slice of history, there have always been those who fought unremittingly, so that a small right can be extended and...

  • Soledad 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    As women, we are lucky to be born in the current era. Freedom and rights depend on the struggle of the pioneers of women. The road to feminism is bumpy and difficult. We have to fight for our rights by ourselves, even if it costs blood. "I'm not higher than you, nor lower than you. If it's right for men to fight for their freedom, so should women." I firmly believe that all the injustices we face today will one day...

  • Theo 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    The most beautiful woman in a group of women is Aunt Helena! I really like Carey, and inexplicably think she is a good match for Ben Meow. . . The script written by the screenwriter of The Hour, no wonder Romola sister is also used. . . And after so many years, feminism is still a timeless topic that women fight for, which is really...

  • Malachi 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    The film is plain and powerful, neither plague nor fire, the dialogue is beaded, the heroine is both virtuous and artistic, and it's a bit awkward for my brother to play a straight man. The data at the end of the film is shocking. For example, in the early 20th century, the law still considered that the ownership of the child belongs to the father. For example, in 2015, women in Saudi Arabia gained the right to vote. Thanks to the persistence of these seemingly paranoid women at the bottom,...

  • Zechariah 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    Men are born with power that women have to bleed, imprison, and even sacrifice in return. The scary thing is that some women don't want to be respected. They prefer men to be the masters of their homes, and they are willing to be slaves and slaves to be men's appendages. For this reason, they are not only complacent, but also intensify the attack on women who want to gain...

  • Henderson 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    The actors are good, the script is too formulaic, the performance is very conservative, and the overall quality is average. But it is still very moving to think that the various rights and freedoms we have today were won bit by bit by the pioneers of feminism a hundred years...

Extended Reading

Suffragette quotes

  • Maud Watts: Your mother's name is Maud Watts. Don't forget that name. Because, I'll be waiting for you to find me. Will you find me George? Don't forget it.

  • Violet Miller: You want me to respect the law? Then make the law respectable.