Suffragette Comments

  • Destiney 2023-09-22 08:48:21

    With little knowledge of the film, I saw [Carey Mulligan/Ben Whishaw/Helena Bonham Carter/Meryl Streep] four favorite actors join forces in The appearance in this film is already surprising enough. Knowing that the familiar [Brendan Gleeson] is [Mad-Eye Moody] in "Harry Potter" makes the surprise even more escalating. …Freedom and equality are worth fighting for. ... 3 stars for look and feel, +1 star for subject...

  • Jennings 2023-08-14 21:43:13

    We haven't really achieved equal rights, we are struggling every step of the way, and every progress is...

  • Flo 2023-07-11 14:48:59

    London in 1912 was so unfamiliar when women existed as dependent men. If there is no sacrifice of predecessors, maybe this is still our era, "We don't want to break the law, we want to make the law." Equal education rights, salary, child custody, and voting rights are not Of course, after all, they are fighting for women's rights, not our half-day...

  • Savanna 2023-07-10 21:28:21

    It seems to see a certain country now. However, this kind of film is always ignored by men collectively. No matter how good it is, only women can appreciate it. Most women, however, would rather pay for an all-male film. Just like the bystanders in the film,...

  • Marcelle 2023-07-04 01:47:13

    There is always a sense of abrupt separation—women who have been abandoned by daily life by accident have to embark on a radical feminist movement. They have been paving the way for the awakening of subjective consciousness, but it seems that there is so little meaning. I'm not a...

  • Winona 2023-06-29 15:43:10

    On April 24, 2021, I watched the movie offline at the zoo coffee shop in Baiziwan, which seemed to add a little vitality to the lazy afternoon. During the exchange, we will find that the issue of feminism is one person and one companion in real life. . It's Franklin's words at the bottom of the box, "Those who can think that they can win their rights without fighting must also have the ability to imagine a sea that has never been...

  • Golda 2023-06-01 07:48:07

    There should be such a...

  • Robin 2023-05-23 20:05:45

    As a woman, when I watch this film, I feel very depressed and my heart is very heavy. After human beings enter the patriarchal society, the status of men is getting higher and higher, and the oppression of women by men is getting heavier and heavier. accessories and even slaves. The early feminist activists fought back again and again and were suppressed again and again, and finally achieved results in blood and tears. However, a hundred years later, women are still not equal to...

  • Keith 2023-04-27 05:06:10

    This biopic of a revolutionary martyr is so well done, you can cry at the end. However, I really think that people who want to do big things, especially women, must be careful to get married and have children, it is either a burden or an obstacle. Teacher Ben Meow actually played such an arrogant and domineering straight man... Is it a rare show to have a wide...

  • Damien 2023-04-15 09:14:26

    Although the focus is on the radical movement of the early 20th century, the presentation is too subtle, even dull, and lacks climax. The women's movement spans so long that the story can only tell a small part of it. Still relevant as a protest movement film, discussing why it was radical, briefly touching on the divisions of the movement. The cast is solid, Desplat's...

Extended Reading

Suffragette quotes

  • Maud Watts: Your mother's name is Maud Watts. Don't forget that name. Because, I'll be waiting for you to find me. Will you find me George? Don't forget it.

  • Violet Miller: You want me to respect the law? Then make the law respectable.