Stuber Comments

  • Jaquelin 2023-04-17 00:11:52

    5/10, the movie is rough and even a bit...

  • Oran 2023-04-11 20:50:59

    The cameo lineup is okay, Marvel blood invades the bad boy...

  • Aisha 2023-03-30 20:22:44

    Desperately for Uber's praise, he finally became his...

  • Priscilla 2023-03-25 21:17:21

    A lot of the plot and jokes are accidental, but they're too...

  • Maybelle 2023-03-23 17:14:02

    Wondering how much Uber...

  • Darian 2023-03-22 19:48:03

    The combination of tough guy + sissy, unfortunately, there is no comedy effect, and the laugh is not prominent. It's also a pity that Batista's tendon and Indonesian Tony Ja, the action scenes didn't show anything to...

  • Clotilde 2023-03-21 17:05:16

    As a low-budget comedy film, it's already done...

  • Berneice 2023-03-14 08:30:57

    The two protagonists respectively represent a stereotype colliding with each other and causing laughter. The method of threatening the criminal "" is to take his phone and face unlock and tweet "I love Ryan Gosling". Too many...

  • Margarette 2023-03-13 01:39:59

    Too much shit hahaha. I'm not in love The bars are very subtle and have to be given a...

  • Leonard 2023-03-05 08:11:02

    Clear logic and complete structure. Bautista's acting as a silly Dahan is a must, and every sentence is a joke (those are the stopping points that are used to compare Dahan? Do you have to step on and hold one?). The little brother Batie, the boy is cheap and weak, and he is home. Ethnic stalks + slapsticks + nonsensical + road movies are simply addicting, and Kevin Ball's cameo as a striper husband, what more can you ask for? The villain is a little weaker, no matter whether Tedjo or the...

Extended Reading

Stuber quotes

  • [Stu's Uber car explodes]

    Stu: Nooo! It was a lease! How could it explode? It didn't have any fuel in it.

    [the answer dawns on Stu]

    Stu: The propane tanks.

  • Leon: It's going down tonight.