Strangers on a Train Comments

  • Jazmyn 2022-04-21 09:01:45

    4.5 Absolutely amazing! When Bruno, who is addicted to maternal concerns and trying to get rid of the shackles of patriarchy, and Guy, who is trying to break the image of "kinky mother" and re-establish the representation of patriarchy, compete on a high-speed merry-go-round, the acceleration of the movement can be regarded as the climax in the plot dimension, but also It can be regarded as a kind of historical "stirring", that is, a flattering "competition" between image power and political...

  • Priscilla 2022-04-21 09:01:45

    Hitchcock has long abandoned the concept of "murderer", telling you who the murderer is early, and is not keen to find the murderer. So the next episode may be the protagonist's dealings with the murderer, or it may be for the audience to watch how the protagonist of the authorities and fans discovers the truth. One of the ways Hitchcock's films endure is to channel the audience's nervousness about "finding the murderer" into the rest of the film. But as far as "Stranger on a Train" is...

  • Kobe 2022-04-21 09:01:45

    I! Curran! ! The name is not for nothing! ! ! Conan's 395th and 396th episodes "The Heart-to-Heart Murder" and "Stranger on a Train" are too similar in their killing...

  • Gardner 2022-04-20 09:01:34

    The film technique is simple and effective, but there is a big flaw in the plot arrangement, which clearly shows Xi Fatt's attempt to manipulate the audience. The same-sex sparks before the two male protagonists obviously imply their twins. The positive side lacks parents and is weak, while the negative side is entangled in the Oedipus plot. The Trojan horse swirling at the end of the film is to point out the good and evil personalities. war theme. But this model was added by external forces,...

  • Camryn 2022-04-20 09:01:34

    Hitchcock couldn't surprise me anymore. He has given me so many...

  • Trevion 2022-04-20 09:01:34

    Presque tous les éléments hitchcockien sont au RDV. Le maître de la durée ne cesse de nous questionner sur la...

  • Brenda 2022-04-20 09:01:34

    Blu-ray reset. Barely pass. I don’t know if it’s the first movie that used the idea of ​​exchanging murder. The main point of this one is Hitchcock’s cuteness: the reflections that appear on the glasses twice (this method of using mirrors to map murderous ideas is correct The movie is fake, the presentation of the game), the out-of-tune weirdo in the tennis audience, and finally develops into the final out-of-control carousel battle (and a child helps the male lead to beat the weirdo to death...

  • Elmira 2022-04-20 09:01:34

    Hitchcock's films always give me a feeling of "can't get enough". The narrative techniques and the intensity of the shots are very strong, but there will always be some other things that people can't follow, always a kind of The attitude of an outsider watching from the sidelines, unable to integrate and empathize. But as a psychological analysis, it is indeed a good example. The characters in it have complex personalities and backgrounds, and they all have very interesting logic. The tennis...

  • Ruthie 2022-04-20 09:01:34

    This one really doesn't look like Xifa's style. The protagonist is not likable, the character settings are a bit stereotyped, and the plot is a bit bland, unlike the blockbuster dramas of the past. But the final chase scene is really changeable and...

  • Ansley 2022-04-20 09:01:34

    Everyone has a huge interest in murder, and how to do it is always the best part. The suspense is a little lacking, and the camera is ingenious. The murder scene in the playground was actually filmed as a dance in the rearview mirror, which is very...

Extended Reading

Strangers on a Train quotes

  • Bruno Anthony: Now, you're going to do a murder. How are you going to do it? This is the fascinating part. How are you going to do it? I didn't get your name?

    Mrs. Cunningham: Mrs. Cunningham.

    Bruno Anthony: Mrs. Cunningham, how are you going to do it?

    Mrs. Cunningham: Well, I suppose I'll have to get a gun from somewhere.

    Bruno Anthony: Oh no, Mrs. Cunningham. Bang, bang, bang all over the place. Blood everywhere?

  • Senator Morton: I thought he was a bit weird when he arrived. Who is he?

    Guy Haines: I hardly know him, sir.

    Senator Morton: Well, get him out of here as soon as you decently can, will you. This is a nice item for the gossips. First thing you know, they'll be talking about orgies!