Stillwater Comments

  • Johann 2022-09-07 22:06:23

    The biggest problem is that it seems that I want to make a story that is quite shocking and awe-inspiring, but the final impression is that the two ends are not touching. Not only a little less cohesive, but also a little too funny. The 140-minute film length also makes the whole story seem a little procrastinated. The only thing worth mentioning is probably the mentality and perspective of Dameng as an outsider in the film, and the comparison is effective. But I'm still not very optimistic...

  • Lea 2022-09-07 20:18:57

    It’s very commercial and looks good (probably the other ones I’ve seen these days are too ugly) The regional jokes are also very funny, the father helps his daughter escape from prison (jojo warning) ➕ The stereotype is a big fight, the premise for Americans to be accepted: “You Did you vote for...

  • Antonio 2022-09-07 18:22:06

    3.5, this film will enter the Oscar, the level is slightly inferior to "Focus" but the skills are very mature. Hollywood's production is already very routine, but this one has some new ideas in the script, and the dark humor at the end is great. The middle part is still the story of silly white Americans loving foreign women, the perspective is too Americanized, and the arrogance and ignorance centered on beauty cannot be changed even if they are not thrown into the...

  • Estell 2022-09-07 17:38:33

    McCarthyna's elitist one-sided conception can even be said to have deviated from the seriousness and original appearance of the entire film and even the real events. He is arrogant and contemptuous, confident but stale, and becomes a slave to the script, not knowing that the film has long since collapsed into television. Perhaps he has never cared deeply about any person or group. All he cares about is the dramatic conflicts and concluding lines used to fill...

Extended Reading

Stillwater quotes

  • Allison: Life is brutal.

    [Bill listens silently]

    Allison: Can I drive?

  • Allison: You miss them?

    Bill: I do.

    Allison: Can you go back...

    Bill: No, I can't. But it was good. That doesn't change.

    Allison: I'm sorry.

    Bill: Life is brutal.


Director: Tom McCarthy

Language: English,French Release date: July 30, 2021