Stealing Beauty Comments

  • Brandy 2022-03-20 09:02:56

    An incomparably beautiful girl appeared in an incomparably beautiful place, making up this incomparably beautiful...

  • Enos 2022-03-20 09:02:56

    Exotic women go deep into the hinterland of Italian passionate men to search for the source of love and blood, but find that Italian men only want to have sex and do not want to have...

  • Rosario 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Beautiful Liv Tyler, the camera recorded your face at nineteen, your best years....

  • Winston 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Some directors are born literary and artistic, no matter how the film is made, the strong literary and artistic temperament is lingering, such as Bertolucci. LIV TYLER in 1996 is so beautiful that it makes people fascinated, and every picture in the movie is so beautiful that it makes people fascinated. I like the scenes where she smokes marijuana and chats about life with the dying writer, the mountain city outside Siena, the night is so...

  • Jaime 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    There is no love, only evidence of...

  • Sophie 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    The story of a girl looking for her biological father and true love sounds outdated but unique in that it has such a mysterious and sad character as Jeremy Irons. Liv Tyler is tender enough to pinch water, and her eyes are especially beautiful. The sex scene at the end is so provocative, Bertolucci's sex scene is really a...

  • Anderson 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Where did the green sandals go? I'm not a mother's material, I have a thousand knots in my heart, so I wear green sandals and walk away. One night there was a man standing in the olive grove, he killed a pit viper, pressed me to the ground, and that night, he tore off my crony. I continued to wear green sandals, but I couldn't get off the mountain. Italy, where did you take me in the dark and still...

  • Tyrese 2022-03-18 09:01:09

    I love this tune, a beautiful girl, chased by many men, and a pure heart. It's just that my mood is different now two or three years ago, 3 and a half...

  • Sigurd 2022-03-18 09:01:09

    youth is not a state of mind... it's red lips, rosy cheeks and supple knees... it's Liv...

  • Jewel 2022-03-17 09:01:09

    "At 19, she's like you, Aquarius. Those girls who write poetry, always...

Extended Reading

Stealing Beauty quotes

  • Lucy: Why are you crying?

    Osvaldo Donati: Because I want to kiss you.

  • [first lines]

    Lucy: What are you doing?

Stealing Beauty

Director: Bernardo Bertolucci

Language: English,French,German,Spanish,Italian Release date: June 14, 1996