Starred Up Comments

  • Rosemary 2022-12-16 18:45:43

    This is so pretty! His dad was so funny, he started telling his son that you should go to class for me and listen to the teacher, and then he went to ask for help for his son, and he was so weak that one and a half of them ran away, arguing with his son "you fucking queer""at least i've a shag you fucking virgin". JO's expression after realizing that his father and his roommate were picking up soap and throwing it away is also super cute. Fights are good. The Wicken character is also...

  • Shanna 2022-11-14 02:26:58

    The son found out that his father was too funny... that little...

  • Amani 2022-11-13 17:45:01

    Jack O'Connell couldn't have been more apt in this role. The rhythm in the first part was slow, and the backlog of emotions in the later stage broke out. In order to manage the norms, the saboteurs had to be removed, but the father had been observing secretly, giving protection and making up. The father-son relationship is very casual. Two fathers and sons who have not seen each other for many years express their love for each other in violence and generation gaps, which are well portrayed. The...

  • Marlon 2022-11-07 10:09:09

    3.5 Wow, the accent of mendo is so good. I raised funds to ask you to play a...

  • Garry 2022-11-01 15:27:01

    Just like a gunpowder keg that will explode at any time, the whole story is on the verge of explosion, keeping the atmosphere always tense. British violence and anger. What is rare is that behind this anger and crisis, there is still warmth and tenderness oozing...

  • Duane 2022-10-30 10:43:48

    Like a father and son, fierce and violent, David Mackenzie can always find a touch of warmth in cruelty. The last time he was moved by his works was Jamie Bell, who was wandering on the roof. This time he walked out of this is England. of Jack...

  • Weston 2022-10-11 16:07:13

    O'Connell also has a promising future. Another actor who has successfully created a violent and sensitive gangster. I remember that he was also the winner of the BAFTA Best Newcomer Award in 2015. Let's see if he can hone it in ten years, and be optimistic about him. The film is also good, with both XYY violence and fine...

  • Sheridan 2022-10-08 05:31:52

    More suitable for the role of our cook devil. Violence and warmth in the prison, the teenager finally grew up passively and actively in such an extremely complex and closed environment. I know you're not gentle at all with your dirty words, but you're my dad,...

  • Dora 2022-10-01 21:35:48

    Dad is so handsome~ I'll be an outcast when I have a dad~ (Go away by myself) Little brother is very daring to take off, and there is a naked hand-to-hand fight like Uncle Vigo's in "Oriental Promise". The dialect is so heavy and tiring, where is the accent? Not to mention the rest, at least in the center of the whole film, the scenes between father and son were all filmed, and the filming was a success. I like the duel between the men the most~ How...

  • Merl 2022-09-28 08:12:48

    Jack O'Connell still loves him as much as he does in Lake Eden! ! Looking forward to the next...

Extended Reading

Starred Up quotes

  • [first lines]

    Principal Officer Scott: Uncuff him.

  • [last lines]

    Neville Love: Proud to be your dad.