Stage Fright Comments

  • Giovani 2022-11-06 23:54:11

    Serial use of stories. An obsessive man falls in love with an ugly star, and the actress kills her husband to frame him; Chai Niu likes an obsessive man, and Han asks her father and daughter to help her escape; a detective likes Chai Niu, and she leads him to pay attention to the suspicion of an ugly woman. In the end, the idiot knows that the ugly girl only wants to frame the blame, and Chai Niu knows that the idiot is also a murderer. The development of the plot is varied and tense. The...

  • Clotilde 2022-10-25 14:09:23

    The suspense of the audience playing is not good suspense, and I can't find where the G spot is. The role of Xi Fat is really...

  • Kennedi 2022-10-14 19:25:41

    ① Truffaut once said that "this film neither adds to nor diminishes his due credit", because "Crystal" was not well-known among Hitchcock's many outstanding works, nor was it at the time of its release. With enough praise, most people think that the director should not deceive the audience, and the story should follow a logic step by step development. Such a point of view is obviously outdated. Today's suspense films are often reversed once or twice, and audiences are becoming more and more...

  • Cullen 2022-10-14 17:32:39

    Although Marlene Dietrich is the second female lead, her performance is the best in the whole film, and it is impossible to see that she was nearly fifty years old at the time. The role of this graceful and noble female star is very suitable for her. As for the female No. 1, Oscar-winning actress Jane Wyman performed mediocrely in it, which even made me a little disgusted. The performance was too like acting, very...

  • Kareem 2022-10-14 16:19:34

    The heroine is equivalent to defeating her idol and opponent in the double stage of detective and acting. Veteran actor Derich was instantly panicked when he saw the doll with blood on his front, and he showed his feet under the eyes of the police. As a newcomer to the show, Jane Huiman, instead, she calmly responded to the critical moment when she was in a secret room and faced a man's fierceness. The two are compared, and the judgment is made. It not only strengthens the character of the...

  • Darion 2022-10-14 16:14:54

    It is said that this film is a failure, but the personal perception is not bad, mainly because Xi Pang subverts the narrative at the beginning of the film at the end, which is very different from his other works, giving people a sense of surprise. Through this film, I also met Jane Wyman and Marlene Dietrich. Jane Wyman feels pretty good. It turned out to be the wife of US President Ronald Reagan. The appearance of Xifa: Turn to see Jane Wyman. (39th...

  • Lilyan 2022-10-14 14:42:55

    Barely pass. This type of movie belongs to the game of dreamers, storytellers and audiences. The actresses, one woman and two women, revolve around a murder case and use their acting skills to abandon their lover to protect themselves or save their lover to expose the murderer. It is a kind of alienation effect in the industrial system. In fact, the reversal of the murderer at the end is not necessary, but this creates the routine role of the innocent in Hitchcock's film - the second female...

Extended Reading

Stage Fright quotes

  • Charlotte Inwood: Oh, darling, don't confide in me. Pour some tea will you?

  • 'Lovely Ducks': Who wants to shoot lovely ducks?