Myrl 2022-03-27 09:01:10
Do you believe in fairy tales in this world? I...
Tina 2022-03-27 09:01:10
2008.8.21 This is really a beautiful and romantic movie!
Flavio 2022-03-26 09:01:07
My god, it seems like I watched it when I was in elementary school... At that time, the mermaid went ashore and watched it, I was ashamed to...
Guillermo 2022-03-26 09:01:07
The only impression is that you put salt in the bathtub, and then the heroine becomes a...
Reva 2022-03-26 09:01:07
I remember seeing on TV when I was a kid, a golden mermaid and a tall man swimming under the sea, I was worried that the man would be out of breath. But his eyes were full of joy, as if he was a mermaid too. It took me such a long time to understand the beginning and process of this...
Asa 2022-03-26 09:01:07
Katlyn 2022-03-26 09:01:07
When I watched it on TV, I didn't think about the orgasm of The Little Mermaid at all at that...
Edgardo 2022-03-26 09:01:07
When I watched this movie at that age, how could I know that he was Tom Hanks, it was a very nice movie, the mermaid MM has the beauty like Sophie Marceau, and all kinds of innocent and natural expressions, and the deep impression of fish tail and that The rescue of Duan Holland...
Vaughn 2022-03-26 09:01:07
Because it is too "adult" to Disney, this film is fortunate to be the first film released by Touchstone Pictures; a light-hearted romantic comedy has done all the tasks, but if you really want to judge the quality of this film: the script is basically a copy ET Alien is very formulaic, even the jokes are very old-fashioned, only the minor details are unexpected, the main line of love is even weaker, the dramatic conflict does not originate from the characters, but often reverses; Lil Hannah's...
Malvina 2022-03-26 09:01:07
When I was too young to watch this, I remembered what the mermaid was doing in the mall and there was a hot air...
Splash Comments
Dr. Ross: Tomorrow I want to see how she interacts with other marine life, then we'll be ready for the internal examination.
Walter Kornbluth: Internal examination?
Dr. Ross: Of course, I want to study her pulmonary system, reproductive organs, everything.
Walter Kornbluth: Doctor Ross, are we considering how the subject is responding to the examination procedures?
Dr. Ross: I'm considering everything.
Walter Kornbluth: Oh yes, I'm sure you are Doctor Ross. How stupid of me! But let me ask you this, are you considering the possibility that you might be a sadistic pig?
Dr. Ross: While we are baring our souls, Mr. Kornbluth, I must honestly tell you I have never considered you a man of science. You're not a member of my team. Run along, Walter. See if you can't find a unicorn.
Freddie: Look, if something works for me I stick with it.