Sphere Comments

  • Damaris 2023-07-13 19:37:05

    I saw one that impressed me a...

  • Makayla 2023-07-11 00:47:11

    I saw my hair stand up and my scalp tingles. . Look at 1/2 of the reality benders who think they are from abroad, dare to come to the earth to spread wildness, and do not look at whose territory. After reading it, I realized that it was the children of God who distorted reality. It is the hell created by our greed, hatred, ignorance, indifference, and doubt that has now turned the earth into a smoky mess. we are not ready. When we are ready, we will remember our ability to forget, and then, we...

  • Stanford 2023-07-04 19:51:44

    "'Dream Come True' Brings Disaster" and "Civilization Only X Days From Collapse" are based on the same thinking, which explores the tension between the heightened construction of civilization and the animal nature of man. Specific to this movie, this cut-in method was not successful. Dreams have two meanings: one is the hope that can be controlled in the conscious mind, and the other is the uncontrollable impulse in the subconscious, and only the former involves moral issues. If I dreamed that...

  • Ulices 2023-06-28 13:24:13

    The best movies of ccav6 have an appointment to watch. The super strong lineup is a pseudo-science fiction. I don't know what to...

  • Ansley 2023-06-16 23:41:58

    Recommended by...

  • Magnolia 2023-06-03 21:01:14

    After watching "Alien" in shock a long time ago, I don't know what movie it is, so various disc stores are frantically looking for it. When I saw the cover and name of "Deep Sea Doubt", I thought I found it, but it turned out that what they have in common is only science fiction. But the claustrophobic horror style should obviously be heavily influenced by Alien. Now it seems that the big names are gathered, and Barry Levinson has really made all kinds of...

  • Elenora 2023-05-23 06:13:18

    I felt super amazing back then, I won't lie to...

  • Vincent 2023-04-23 22:42:43

    7.0/10 points. I watched it when I was young, and it was terrifying. . . Why can't you dream of making a fortune yourself, and then your dream will come true. ....

  • Arvid 2023-04-18 02:53:47

    So classic novels are made like this. . . It doesn't matter if the plot is fragmented, anyway, there are a few special effects scenes, the director got a few jellyfish to fool people, and the giant squid didn't even look at it! ! ! ! ! !...

  • Rachelle 2023-04-16 16:10:57

    Adapted from the novel of the same name, it is really super good-looking, very thrilling and suspenseful, mysterious and...

Extended Reading

Sphere quotes

  • Norman Goodman: What is it, Harry?

    Dr. Harry Adams: Take a look. It's chipped!

    Captain Harold C. Barnes: Alright, it's chipped - so what?

    Dr. Harry Adams: Well I thought you said this thing wouldn't damage when it crashed and that this titanium alloy was so superstrong there's no way you can hurt it.

    Captain Harold C. Barnes: I did.

    Dr. Harry Adams: So how come it chips when this scientist just bangs on it with a hammer?

  • Dr. Harry Adams: Anybody else wonder who the hell opened that door?


Director: Barry Levinson

Language: English Release date: February 13, 1998