Spectral Comments

  • Angel 2023-04-14 04:44:32

    Wasn't this really changed by the game...

  • Ottilie 2023-04-13 20:03:57

    The plausible Bose-Einstein...

  • Laverne 2023-03-23 11:20:36

    Just enjoy this sincere movie, please ignore the little bugs and some lack of details that cannot be avoided in sci-fi movies. The world needs Interstellar, but the world needs more than...

  • Teagan 2023-03-21 09:25:18

    First of all, we need to complain. Finally, the scene of the male and female protagonists in the laboratory basically belongs to the big bug of "using the flashlight with the mobile phone to illuminate the whole playground". Similar plots and settings are actually commonplace in Hollywood. In the final analysis, it is still a heroic movie. The scene where the male protagonist finally incarnates into Tom Ge’s unrivaled arrogance doesn’t arouse my enthusiasm, but even though There are some bugs,...

  • Duane 2023-03-14 08:45:52

    Three and a half. Silent in "Fantastic Beasts", IBM in "Demihuman". between life and...

  • Nathan 2023-03-03 07:49:15

    It's a pity that if the "Nether" in the story is really a ghost, science is against the supernatural, it will look...

  • Eliane 2023-02-20 06:59:45

    One of the traditional American monster movie routines: Step 1, the mysterious and powerful monster kills some passerby(s) in seconds; Step 2, the protagonist enters the field; Step 3, the protagonist and the monster collide for the first time, causing heavy casualties to teammates; Step 4, rest and extra Analyzing the attributes of the monsters, waiting for help is hopeless; step 5 is equivalent to repeating steps 3 and 4, and the protagonist's ability to fight monsters gradually increases;...

  • Elza 2023-02-14 07:10:41

    As a war movie, it's...

  • Vincent 2023-02-10 16:13:13

    really not bad. The looks, gear, and ideas are all good. Especially the setting of the condensed body, it makes me feel so tall in the fog! Except that the rhythm is a little bit worse and the climax is not high and the foreshadowing is too much. others like...

  • Domenico 2023-02-09 06:52:22

    The pace is too slow, the plot is too routine, I only read half of...

Extended Reading

Spectral quotes

  • Clyne: [about Sessions men gearing up again] They don't stop, do they?

    Fran Madison: I don't think they know how.

  • [at around 6:30 minutes a team of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency officials are observing a Lab test of a potential weapon for use on the battlefield]

    DoD official: Can you try this on living things?

    Dr. Mindala: That wasn't our intent here... initially.

    DoD official: We'd like you to test it.

    Clyne: Any volunteers?

    [several people around the lab chuckle under their breath]


Director: Nic Mathieu

Language: English,Russian,Romanian,Slovenian Release date: December 9, 2016