Spacewalk Comments

  • Sharon 2023-05-23 02:11:33

    The good friends who have gone through space and passed through life and death, before the official take-off, are a little inhuman, but otherwise, the mission commander's portrayal is very vivid. Even in the same year as Salyut-7, the Russian film industry seems to be on...

  • Alessia 2023-05-13 19:04:22

    Grassy nights, fireflies, and meteors are...

  • Frances 2023-05-13 16:06:20

    A very legendary historical event. I was fascinated by the first time I read this space history in high school. The film made by the Russians gave more details and background, and it was very...

  • Trycia 2023-04-30 16:56:21

    The adaptation of the real event itself is still...

  • Marcia 2023-04-29 10:23:03

    In carrying out such a task, various problems are often encountered. Whether it is an astronaut or a ground commander, the cooperation of all aspects is very important. This is a huge test for the multiple qualities of an individual, and it is also for a team as a whole. A huge test of quality, not even a lame person, only the best individual and the best team can complete such a daunting task, which is conceivably impossible in a bad...

  • Katelyn 2023-04-28 20:36:31

    The Russian space film is really good, I recommend everyone to watch it. What should I do if there are many technical failures? The Russians always have a solution. Space rescue can see hammer repairing spacecraft, and Skywalker can see drilling wood to make fire, very Russian...

  • Madyson 2023-04-27 04:51:21

    There is momentum, and it really looks more cordial than American space...

  • Arne 2023-04-15 09:43:34

    Big Brother Space Movie, with texture and...

  • Janice 2023-03-20 10:40:51

    One small step is one giant...

  • Cheyenne 2023-03-03 12:54:02

    Exploring space is not easy, do it and cherish...

Extended Reading

Spacewalk quotes

  • radio announcer: Today, on March 18, 1965, at 11:30 Moscow time, during the flight of the Soviet spacecraft Voskhod 2, something incredible happened. For the first time in human history, a man walked out into space! After twice circling the Earth, pilot and cosmonaut Lieutenant Alexey Leonov went out into space in a special space-suit and an autonomous life-sustaining system.

  • Leonid Brezhnev: [over radio] How are you, son?

    Alexey Leonov: [from space] I report: My mind is clear. Sight is not disturbed. Sense of direction is not disturbed. Man is able to function in space. Man can work in space!