Sorry We Missed You Comments

  • Rosemary 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    The title of the film should be "Sorry, We Neglected You", and Ken Lodge still focuses on this group of people ignored by British society. If you don't watch Ken Rocky's movies, you won't know that there is no way out for the bottom life, and today with the great development of technology, capital can exploit the bottom people more accurately through small devices, draining their every share. labor. Ken Lodge, thank you for remembering...

  • Joey 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    If we talk about Joker what are we talking about? When replacing Gotham with Newcastle and London with Beishangguang, when changing the red-nosed clown with a courier brother, a nurse, a big sister, or each of you and I who are deeply involved in 996, when you are beaten, robbed, and demanded by the company for compensation, You can't draw a gun to kill someone and then turn into a villain. You can only silently apologize in the hospital with swear words, and then go to work even if you are...

  • Carter 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    The recent atmosphere has made me watch every movie and every paragraph of text with an intense pain that surpasses the previous ones, as if I have comprehended that illusory word: human community. Whether you are in England, where the future of Brexit is unknown, or China, where the epidemic is spreading, whether you are in Australia or Iran, where the situation is delicate, whether you are living or surviving, put aside Maslow's top needs. Well, not everyone wants to have a warm and peaceful...

  • Vivian 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    Life is not easy. When you are unlucky, all kinds of unlucky people will come to you one by one. The whole film uses the trivial details of life to show everyone the sadness and despair of the people at the...

  • Zechariah 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    The saddest thing behind the story is that, no matter how actively denounce the alienation of 996 and self-employment under the sharing economy, how many people can refuse the promise of Internet conversations within an hour. They all want to be greedy for some convenience from the capital, but the capitalists who pay attention to each other can always make money back from the...

  • Rachelle 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    What is life? Life is Ken Lodge. 1.5@Shenzhen Broadway Film...

  • Kaya 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    The words "I tried my best" and "I didn't have a choice" slammed into my heart, giving me a moment's respite from suffering. I don't know where the way out of life is. I can only start the engine, and once again start a futile and overwhelmed...

  • Mandy 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    It's still Ken Lodge, no worse than the Palme d'Or, and the level is always stable. A very miserable family. Time is spent showing the details of the couple's daily life. They live very hard, but they are still repeatedly attacked. Looking at such a family, we should think about...

  • Erich 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    Ken Loach's new work once again reflects a wide range of institutional problems while penetrating into the hearts of the lower-level characters. 1. Focus on the sad life of a courier (no guarantee, piece rate, contract relationship) and a carer (no overtime pay), one is in a hurry every day, and the other may need to accompany the elderly at any time. 2. All efficiency indicators follow suit. The courier scanner has become the slave owner of all the couriers, losing itself endlessly in the...

  • Alvis 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    From sheep cannibalizing people to machines cannibalizing people to data cannibalizing people, the plight of the people at the bottom is similar, but different eras have their own exploitation. Advances in technology and changes in employment and management relationships facilitate society and individuals to quantify and weigh every conflict of values. Rationality and reality force more people to choose efficiency, but miss out on...

Extended Reading

Sorry We Missed You quotes

  • Abbie Turner: This is my family, and I'm telling you now, nobody messes with my family.

  • Ricky: I don't know what's got into you, I really don't. You're a smart kid just like Liza. You used to be in all the top sets. What is going on? Just give yourself some choices mate.

    Abbie Turner: Seb?

    Seb: Hmm-mm?

    Abbie Turner: We've talked about this. You could go to uni.

    Seb: Go to uni? What, and be like Harpoon's brother? £57 grand in debt and what? Working in a call centre now, getting smashed every weekend just to forget his problems. Of course.

    Ricky: Yeah, but it doesn't have to be like that does it? There's some good jobs out there.

    Seb: Good jobs? What good jobs?

    Ricky: Well there is if you just knuckle down. Give yourself some options. Otherwise you're just going to end up like...

    Seb: What, like you?

    Ricky: Oh fucking nice!

    Abbie Turner: Seb...

    Seb: Do you really think I want that? Really?

    Ricky: Yeah...

    Seb: Well yeah of course I do don't I? I want to be like you.

    Ricky: Yeah, going from shit job to shit job, working 14 hours a day, having to put up with everyone else's shit. Going from one shit job to another shit job. You're just going to end up a skivvy.

    Seb: A skivvy? It's your choice to be a skivvy isn't it? A skivvy doesn't come to, you, you go to it - right?

    Ricky: I'm doing my best Seb.

    Seb: Maybe your best isn't good enough, is it?