Something Wicked This Way Comes Comments

  • Cade 2023-09-03 17:46:21

    Acceptance... of self... who you...

  • Summer 2023-06-23 01:09:48

    Ray Bradbury's Neglected SF...

  • Flo 2023-01-18 23:31:26

    Jonathan Pryce is charismatic and perfect for the role, a great teen thriller. PS: Jack Clayton is a very good...

  • Brain 2022-10-24 22:03:48

    Has Disney ever made a total of two types of films: one is full of dads, and the other is dad...

  • Adrain 2022-10-24 17:00:09

    There are many terrifying intentions that children are most likely to have. If you watch it when you are young, it will be a shadow of...

  • Dashawn 2022-10-24 15:29:46

    As a children's horror film, Disney is more preachy, not as good as Salwar's "Clown House". Isn't the soundtrack really from The Imperial March from Star Wars? Finally, even the laser sword came...

  • Margarita 2022-10-24 12:59:04

    Disney actually made such a large-scale movie. . . It must have been a childhood nightmare if I watched it when I was a child, but in the end it still preached the Disney values ​​of love conquers...

  • Ford 2022-10-24 12:26:35

    Disney also makes this...

Extended Reading

Something Wicked This Way Comes quotes

  • Charles Halloway: Boys, what the hell is going on around here?

  • Charles Halloway: [to Will] That's no way to save your friend, Jim, stop it! They like that, God, they like tears! Jump about, hoot and holler!