Something in the Air Comments

  • Luther 2023-07-21 04:20:27

    Study, revolution, art, love, earning a living... Different choices in similar situations, each has its own place. Times come and go, and life has to go on. The youth fault tolerance rate of the second generation of the bourgeoisie is much higher. The male protagonist says that he lives in an imaginary world, and even if he is separated from different groups, he also avoids fanaticism by "striking straight". Both girlfriends ran to older men, and the "grown up" girlfriend ran away in a red...

  • Isac 2023-07-19 13:26:26

    Beauty, long live the sense of...

  • Benedict 2023-07-19 09:05:21

    I can't watch it, it's...

  • Christiana 2023-07-16 20:40:49

    One (or more) innocuous quests about faith after the May storm. Years and youth are like molotov cocktails thrown out of the hands. After the vigorous explosion, only ashes are left. Love and friendship are newspapers that are sold every day, a hundred schools of thought contend, one franc a share, and they are invalid overnight. What is revolution and what is freedom, under the guise of memory, no matter how beautiful the collapse is, it is nothing. By the way, actors don't act too...

  • Brett 2023-06-27 07:38:29

    The director began to become youthful, and he almost fell asleep several times and watched the French film bien sur without finding the key point from beginning to...

  • Martine 2023-06-22 04:43:03

    Confused direction music is...

  • Libbie 2023-06-19 02:47:57

    The special background in the 1970s led to the emergence of such a group of people, and even the ideas of WENGE and MAOZEDONG that occurred in China at that time deeply influenced this group of people. A sentence from the male protagonist expresses his choice: "I live in fantasy, but when reality knocks on the door, I open the door to welcome...

  • Scottie 2023-06-04 06:57:22

    Reminds me of the dream of Paris. It's good to know who you want to be in the...

  • Dallas 2023-05-30 11:30:23

    The "May Storm" is often mentioned as a group of young people's youthful years of burning passion. In this autobiographical film of Olivier Assayas, it shows a group of young people who are not yet deep in the world. Self-destructing in an impulsive and blind political movement, you gradually watch the world you once believed in become worse than before, everything seems to have ended in failure, but the director still seems to have no regrets about his youth....

  • Fanny 2023-05-26 10:41:41

    It's so good that I want to buy it immediately and watch it many times! !...