Someone, Somewhere Comments

  • Aurelio 2023-04-29 10:56:38

    Very interesting and very healing! I thought it was just a story of urban loneliness and love, but there were so many conversations with psychologists. Psychological analysis is extremely important! In the dreams of the two, we can see the panic of different levels of technology and emotional relationship, whether it is caused by The excess sex that software gets more accessible / discovered by visiting mothers, or the survivors of the occupation of technology. The feeling of looking at the...

  • Brandy 2023-04-22 13:15:08

    Move the story of "going left to right" to Paris, the city heals a little fun. The male and female protagonists live next door and have had countless chance encounters. They even have the same cat, but they just can't meet each other. The director's patience was so good that he was almost using a rasp to grind away the negative energy on them, until the last two minutes before they really met - and when they met, they were already their best...

  • Lupe 2023-04-17 08:23:56

    Social anxiety and depression version go left to right. Lonely Tomorrow And Paste Copy Today! Lonely with no goals and no hope! I'm so lonely that no one comes near me! Lonely enough to live in my own little world! In fact, we are just zombies that don't bite! Fortunately, the hero and heroine finally met! If you can't meet the person who is enough to save yourself! Then destroy...

  • Edgardo 2023-04-12 06:13:06

    Not a romance. A lonely...

  • Alisha 2023-04-10 16:43:52

    Tickets for the Shanghai Film Festival. I really like this way of dealing with the two of them who have healed their wounds and then meet again. Love should not be used to heal...

  • Tressie 2023-03-19 21:55:48

    Although, it's really...

  • Reva 2023-03-12 16:00:06

    The movie premature ejaculation is really a...

  • Wallace 2023-03-05 18:34:00

    The film really belongs to France, just shoot it, it's the background... It's as easy as the Chinese play table...

  • Duane 2023-02-28 17:23:44

    Did God just let the two parallel lines meet after packing himself up? Then it's not too late to...

  • Everett 2023-02-28 08:32:09

    go out bravely, do what you want, someone,...