Sleeping with Other People Comments

  • Jayde 2023-01-02 01:16:37

    Hahaha I love...

  • Olen 2022-12-22 19:19:38

    Naked lines can also be such a warm and sincere, well-controlled embarrassment plot. The timely insertion of SAT vocabulary and bgm makes the performance and the romantic youth drama draw a clear line. The witty remarks inadvertently complain about trivial things in a few words to enhance the sense of identity and then throw the theme to the audience. After reading it, I am satisfied and pleased with a touch of touch and a little memory. The little cute Annie's acting has improved a lot and her...

  • Fern 2022-12-20 15:43:54

    The heroine is so...

  • Bartholome 2022-12-17 23:44:59

    There are too many irrelevant details, and it is not funny. Some of the dialogue is really interesting! I love Jason Sudeikis so...

  • Mona 2022-12-12 19:18:02

    I'd rather fail with you than win with anyone else, how sweet and what a cool way to get...

  • Emanuel 2022-12-11 12:10:00

    Not bad at all, I like it a lot! ! When you know how to control your desires, you grow up, and when you grow up, you can get...

  • Newell 2022-12-08 17:35:50

    20160411 always have to wait until the right point

  • Trenton 2022-12-05 17:46:31


  • Imelda 2022-11-29 18:48:20

    It's actually a very sad story, packaged as a comedy, some of which are really vulgar and funny, Alison Brie's acting skills will continue to hone, don't be reduced to a vase like most Hollywood flowers, and then, always be a...

  • Alverta 2022-11-28 06:27:51

    What a refreshing sex comedy, it's just too unrealistic. The highlight is that Jason Sudekis taught Alison Brie to masturbate with an empty bottle. His face of a good gentleman will not make people feel obscene if he tells any pornographic...

Extended Reading

Sleeping with Other People quotes

  • Jake: First off, in our initial conversations about exclusivity, I distinctly recall you saying something about "staying casual," yeah?

    Hannah: I only said that...

    Jake: Most likely because you thought that was what I wanted to hear, yes?

    Hannah: Yes.

    Jake: Okay. Well, me taking you at your word doesn't make me an asshole. It does however make you a liar.

  • Sam: You can't get better. Lainey, you're not an addict. Okay.

    [starts sobbing]

    Sam: You're just a whore. You're a whore.