Sleeping with Other People Comments

  • Jany 2023-09-23 23:55:59

    Outside the School of...

  • Madaline 2023-09-13 12:00:29

    The plot is a bit...

  • Alexanne 2023-09-02 00:54:37

    The film combines the choking choking narrative with performance art, warming friendship, companionship, and pure love confession. It uses witty, spoof but incomparably talented lines to connect together. It tastes like the beginning of the movie. Like the "Noodle Salad", the taste is sticky and the cheeks are fragrant. The formula of old friend + artillery friend + confidant, it seems that no matter how you change the reaction conditions and experimental equipment, you cannot escape the...

  • Eriberto 2023-08-19 19:24:29

    I thought it was a comedy, but it turned out not to be a comedy. The lines are well written. Can you love someone for...

  • Merle 2023-08-18 08:16:06

    Super funny, the ending is true love,...

  • Michel 2023-08-18 07:13:27

    Sex Comedy Edition When Harry Met Sally, and There Was No...

  • Richmond 2023-08-12 00:28:03

    It looks like it could be kept as an educational...

  • Rosalee 2023-08-10 10:51:50

    This kind of romantic comedy is really drinking...

  • Roberta 2023-08-06 22:10:48

    Two people who can't get along better can be arguing or chatting about...

  • Clare 2023-07-23 04:37:50

    The plot is old-fashioned, but very...

Extended Reading

Sleeping with Other People quotes

  • Jake: First off, in our initial conversations about exclusivity, I distinctly recall you saying something about "staying casual," yeah?

    Hannah: I only said that...

    Jake: Most likely because you thought that was what I wanted to hear, yes?

    Hannah: Yes.

    Jake: Okay. Well, me taking you at your word doesn't make me an asshole. It does however make you a liar.

  • Sam: You can't get better. Lainey, you're not an addict. Okay.

    [starts sobbing]

    Sam: You're just a whore. You're a whore.