Sin Nombre Comments

  • Grayce 2022-11-21 07:01:45

    Neither humble nor arrogant, neither hurry nor slow, neither judge nor beautify, and flow...

  • Trycia 2022-11-11 20:28:04

    xzd Although some plots of the film are a bit deliberate, the whole film is really good, and the level of Mexican films is quite...

  • Mckenzie 2022-10-19 13:28:25

    The decadent and gloomy atmosphere reminds me of the City of God, but the narrative and plot of the story are not as good as the latter, but it is still moving. Humble flowers in the mud... Although I knew that the male protagonist would definitely hang up, I would still hope that he and the girl would have a good result. In such a difficult situation, still willing to follow him, how extravagant such love...

  • Ezekiel 2022-10-17 12:28:30

    I like the style of South America, full of tension, so sad after reading...

  • Ed 2022-10-04 10:16:08

    A sense of despair pervades the whole passage. The brief warmth of the rescue station is...

  • Green 2022-09-13 08:24:39

    The cruel side aside, this movie can be seen as a road movie, going north from Honduras, with gangsters taking advantage of the fire, villagers throwing food to stowaways, and Mexican children throwing stones at them. Someone will arrive, but most people can only sigh at the burning earth...

  • Kelli 2022-09-03 05:05:47

    Can't really give more than 1 star, I really don't understand why such a boring movie can get such a high score. ....

  • Alex 2022-08-21 05:28:44

    That man has a nice tear...

  • Duane 2022-06-16 23:37:36

    Objectively speaking, the director's technique is very skilled, and the filming is also very smooth, with primary and secondary, but as a serious film about smuggling, it is too dramatic, too sensational, too clean, the guy is too handsome, small. The girl is so beautiful that it is difficult for me to fit in...

  • Nakia 2022-06-16 22:36:36

    Living in the extremely harsh living environment of "No Name", it is easy for people to raise the banner of escapist tendencies called living elsewhere. However, this overcrowded train heading for the new continent on the other side shows us the danger and cruelty of the no-return road from barbarism to civilization. Here the author gives a pessimistic conclusion that cannot be turned back, but we are brave in the heroine. She seemed to have glimpsed another possibility in her eyes, and what...

Extended Reading

Sin Nombre quotes

  • Sayra: Back home, my friend Clarissa made me see this crazy neighbor, Doña Eleanor, you know, like witchcraft? She smoked this puro, then told me with her freaky voice that I'd make it to the U.S. but not in God's hand, perhaps in the Devil's.