Short Cuts Comments

  • Seamus 2022-03-22 09:02:17

    12-28-02 It took 4 days on and off to finally finish watching this 186-minute film, not because the film is long but because it is very lively, you can start watching it from any point. In this way, life is slowly unfolded in front of you by Altman with the camera lens. The gathering of acting stars is also a big surprise in this film....

  • Misty 2022-03-21 09:02:34

    Ultraman-style group portraits, swaying and swaying characters, everyone in the world is the protagonist / Panoramic lens descriptions like "God's perspective", highlighting the absurdity of the relationship between men and women, struggle, and the impermanence of things / The fat man's outburst of beating people is a long-term psychological depression , an earthquake reminded me of the frog rain in "Magnolia", washing lead and everything in the world, the world is drunk, these two movies are...

  • Kaitlyn 2022-03-20 09:02:13

    Altman and Carver. Humans are prisoners of life. Intersection is meaningless. Parallelism and repetition are the goal. There are innumerable hints and connections between shots, stories and stories. Love the cellist and the helicopter at the...

  • Anabel 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    This kind of detailed and loose story structure is fascinating. The story has absurd irony, but there is not much deliberateness in the intersection of daily life. In contrast, whether it is Magnolia or a car crash, both are a bit hypocritical, and Mr. Ao The portrayal of "Ukiyo-e" can be regarded as a real "Ukiyo-e". This is the only time I have seen a performance by Tom Waits. It's very good. It deserves to be a collective performance...

  • Maryam 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    Robert Altman's masterpiece, 1993 Venice Golden Lion Award. ①The group play Ukiyo-e, multi-line cross narrative, smooth and free, master handwriting. ②According to the compilation of Carver's short stories, the drama is enhanced, and Carver's indifferent and simple atmosphere remains unchanged. ③ Accidental and life, tired and struggling, just like fruit flies besieged by spray and lionfish in a tank. ④ Sudden earthquake, thinking about the frog rain of [Magnolia]. ⑤ TV milk transition. ⑥Sex...

  • Frances 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    The long-awaited film...not very much...but some of the passages are...

  • Elenora 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    Magnolia is too artificial, silver·sex·male and female I can’t resist, just like you can’t resist natural...

  • Ervin 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    Robert Altman is indeed a master of group drama. For three hours, he showed the Los Angeles style paintings and the appearance of all beings. There are many big names, and even small characters are familiar. Unlike the multi-line narratives of films such as "Crash" and "Tongtian Tower," this film is slightly loose and casual. Julianne Moore has large-scale...

  • Ettie 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    Sudden events are imminent like hitting the ball and picking it up quickly In the future only respond to bear the end and forget that this is the...

  • Rebeca 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    It felt like Magnolia was the same train of thought, group dramas, sentient beings, messy things, and finally unexpected events. It feels a bit too mixed, there are too many bastards, and the movie is too long. But there are so many...

Extended Reading

Short Cuts quotes

  • Earl Piggot: You know, I don't know who you think would wanna look at your sad, middle aged ass anymore!

    Doreen Piggot: Don't talk to me like that and don't you come back here! I'm not taking you back no more, understand? No more, I'm not taking you back!

    Earl Piggot: I'm not COMING back!

    Doreen Piggot: Slobbering over Honey like that, it was so embarrassing...

    Earl Piggot: I never touched Honey!

    Doreen Piggot: I didn't say you touched her, I said you slobbered on her!

  • Lois Kaiser: Don't you want me to lick your balls for you?