Short Cuts Comments

  • Clotilde 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    for Carver and...

  • Clyde 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    After all these years, a group play-intensive phobia has developed. see Alice's...

  • Ferne 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    LA surface, desperate but...

  • Cassandre 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    In the six-dimensional space, everyone is inextricably linked. The interspersed flashback cuts are too fragmented, and I have to be patient and unable to invest in the front. The actors are all excellent, and after watching it, I was surprised that the lineup is strong. When Tom Waits appeared, he thought of "Cigarettes and Coffee". Annie Ross, who sings Jazz, has a mellow and sexy voice, and her voice runs throughout. This life full of troubles is really...

  • Jaclyn 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Everyone has a happy...

  • Octavia 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    1. The absurd beginning, the detailed and seemingly ordinary narrative, and the mourning and crazy life background, but the irresistible humor in it is really attractive and difficult to contain. 2. The group portrait performance is very charming. I like the unruly pair of Tim Robbins and Frances McDormand the most. They are so cute. 3. Carver's novels are vivid in my eyes, and the most impressive thing is a little good thing, and the baker at the end is a rare warm color. 4. Spilled milk on...

  • Garnett 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Altman has taken pictures of all beings in Nashville, this time it is equivalent to the pictures of all beings in LA. The multi-line narrative is complex but not chaotic, and Altman is indeed a master at filming group...

  • Annette 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    American middle class Ukiyo-e. American life stream. Although it's not to my liking. Still admire the skill of the...

  • Eldora 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    The families involved are more or less connected, with an intricate network of contexts, depicting a variety of life styles, each with its own joys and...

  • Kirsten 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    Watching Ultraman's movies, you really need a strong working memory! Compared with "Magnolia", the driving force and rigor of the narrative are lacking, but in this way, the breath of life is very authentic, even if it is boring to a bird, it is downright boring, and the most amazing thing is that all the wonderful The coincidence seems to be completely natural without the slightest trace of...

Extended Reading

Short Cuts quotes

  • Earl Piggot: You know, I don't know who you think would wanna look at your sad, middle aged ass anymore!

    Doreen Piggot: Don't talk to me like that and don't you come back here! I'm not taking you back no more, understand? No more, I'm not taking you back!

    Earl Piggot: I'm not COMING back!

    Doreen Piggot: Slobbering over Honey like that, it was so embarrassing...

    Earl Piggot: I never touched Honey!

    Doreen Piggot: I didn't say you touched her, I said you slobbered on her!

  • Lois Kaiser: Don't you want me to lick your balls for you?